Press releases

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Nurses Protest Good Samaritan Hospital Plan to Slash Vital RN Positions and Undermine Patient Safety

Nurses at Good Samaritan Hospital will conduct a candlelight vigil today to alert the public to concerns over proposed cuts to critical hospital staff. The hospital plans to eliminate the position of charge nurse, who is responsible for overseeing the flow of the unit and troubleshooting patient care issues, the California Nurses Association, who represents RNs at the facility, announced today. There are currently 52 charge nurses, who are among the most experienced and seasoned RNs in the unit.

California Nurses Association
November 25, 2013

El Paso RNs Approve First Union Contract

Registered nurses at El Paso’s Providence Memorial Hospital and Sierra Medical Center have won their first ever collective bargaining contracts winning significant patient care protections and economic improvements.

National Nurses Organizing Committee / NNU
November 22, 2013

3,000 Nurses Volunteer for Philippines Relief Effort with National RN Group

As holiday ornaments go up and family feasts are planned, registered nurses are making tentative plans to spend part of the holiday season in the Philippines, providing medical support in the wake of the Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda as part of the relief effort organized by National Nurses United’s Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN).

RN Response Network / NNU
November 21, 2013


Nurses Protest Eroding Patient Care Standards at Sutter Tracy Community Hospital

Registered Nurses at Sutter Tracy Community Hospital (STCH) will hold a candlelight vigil to protest eroding patient care conditions and management’s unwillingness to take serious action at the bargaining table to rectify those conditions. Safe patient care has been a key focus in contract negotiations between Sutter management and the nurses who voted in March 2012 to affiliate with the California Nurses Association,the state’s largest organization of RNs.

California Nurses Association
November 19, 2013

UC RNs Welcome New 4-Year Pact Protecting Retirement Security, Stopping Concession Demands

At a time of increasing employer demands for sweeping concessions on retirement security, especially for public workers, registered nurses working at University of California hospitals and student health centers today welcomed a tentative pact with University officials that secures nurses’ retirement as well as achieving important gains. In addition to rebuffing UC demands for substantial cuts in in pensions and retiree health coverage for RNs – especially a demand for a two-tier proposal with huge cuts in pensions for newly hired RNs – the nurses also won significant improvements, including across the board pay increases of 16 percent over four years, plus up to 8 percent more in longevity steps for most RNs.

California Nurses Association
November 18, 2013

National Nurses Group Sends First Team to Philippines

The Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN) will hold a media availability at San Francisco International Airport, Thursday at 5:00 p.m. with the first team of nurses with previous disaster assessment experience who are heading to Manila later that evening. Overwhelming response by RNs--1,500 50 states and 12 nations sign up.

November 13, 2013


More Than 200,000 Signatures Gathered For Two Ballot Initiatives

CANTON, Mass. — The Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today that it has collected and submitted for certification more than 200,000 signatures for two ballot initiatives that will dramatically improve patient safety in Massachusetts hospitals, while also ensuring that taxpayer health care dollars are dedicated exclusively for patient care and needed services for all communities.

Massachusetts Nurses Association
November 13, 2013

Families and RNs Rally to Save Only Kaiser Pediatric Hospital Services for Southern Alameda County

Families, community members and nurses will hold an informational picket to protest Kaiser’s planned closure of the in-house pediatrics unit at Kaiser Hayward slated for November 17. Kaiser Hayward pediatrics unit serves over 1,800 families a year, and more than 100,000 children in the tri-city area. This closure will force families with children who need to be hospitalized to drive to Oakland, Santa Clara, or Roseville, and will affect all families with children under age 18 from Hayward, Fremont, Union City, San Lorenzo, San Leandro, and Castro Valley.

California Nurses Association
November 13, 2013

National Nurses Relief Group Mobilizes RNs for Philippines Relief Mission

In the aftermath of the devastation from Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda, one of the worst storms on record, the Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN), a project of National Nurses United, has put out a call for volunteers and donations through its vast network of direct-care nurses both nationally and internationally.

National Nurses United / RNRN
November 11, 2013


Nurses, Patients, Community Line Up With Message for DC Council – Pass the Patient Protetion Act

Washington, DC--More than 150 Washington DC nurses, joined by patients and community leaders are filling the District of Columbia Council chambers today to demand the Council act to improve public safety and protect vulnerable hospital patients by enacting the Patient Protection Act.

National Nurses United
November 8, 2013