Press releases

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Austin Nurse Headed to the Philippines

While many are settling back into regular routines after the holiday break, David Abeles an RNat Arise Medical Center in Austin, Texas, is starting the new year by traveling to the Philippines where he will provide medical support for those who continue to be affected by the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

January 12, 2014


Candle Light Vigil MONDAY 5:30 p.m. as New Cuts Go into Effect

ORLANDO--In the critical care nursery at WPH, where more than half of the RNs filled out the survey, 80 percent of RNs indicated that staffing is never or at best sometimes adequate, and 73 percent said that patients are sicker.

National Nurses Organizing Committee
January 10, 2014

National Nurses Group Kicks Off New Year with Fifth Deployment of Volunteers to Philippines

While many are settling back into regular routines after the holiday break, a group of registered nurses from across the country are starting the new year by preparing for their deployment to the Philippines where they will provide medical support for those who continue to be affected by the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda.

January 10, 2014


Nurses to Protest Sutter Alta Bates Summit’s Latest Cuts

Care Austerity Contrasted with Big Exec Pay Increases. Registered Nurses will picket Alta Bates Summit Medical Center’s Berkeley hospital on Wednesday, January 15 to protest Sutter corporation’s latest announced cuts of patient services and nurses and other caregivers.

California Nurses Association
January 9, 2014

Alarming New Data – Some Hospitals Set Charges at More Than 10 Times their Costs

California Hospitals on Average Third Highest in U.S. With growing national attention to hospital pricing practices, new data released by the nation’s largest nurses organization today showed that hospital charges continue to skyrocket with some U.S. hospitals charging more than ten times their cost – nearly $1,200 for every $100 of their total costs.

California Nurses Association
January 6, 2014

Hospital Charge to Cost Ratios

New Data - Some Hospitals Set Charges at 10 Times their Costs

Nurses Warn of Ongoing Harm for Patients Needing Care. With growing national attention to hospital pricing practices, new data released by the nation's largest nurses organization today showed that hospital charges continue to skyrocket with some U.S. hospitals charging more than ten times their cost - nearly $1,200 for every $100 of their total costs.

National Nurses United
January 6, 2014

Naples, Fl. Press Conference at HMA Shareholders Meeting January 8

Registered nurses from around the U.S. will hold a press conference Wednesday, January 8 in Naples, Fl. before a vote by shareholders of the Health Management Associates chain, challenging a buyout of HMA by Community Health Systems that would create a massive hospital monopoly they say would threaten patient access and quality of care.

January 3, 2014

USC Nurses Approve New Pact

Registered nurses at Keck Hospital of USC and Norris Cancer Hospital rang in the New Year with a new three-year collective bargaining agreement on Wednesday, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today. The new pact, which expires at the end of April 2017, and covers 800 RNs protects the health coverage for their families, wins improvements in patient care and nurses standards, and provides for important economic gains. Nurses voted to accept the contract last Friday.

California Nurses Association
January 3, 2014

RN Disaster Relief Volunteers Home for the Holidays

As Next Delegation Set to Deploy to Philippines. The latest group of registered nurse volunteers, who have been at working providing medical care to survivors of Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, return tonight and Saturday. But the disaster relief program established by National Nurses United is far from over – another group is already in formation with plans to head to the Philippines in early January.

December 20, 2013


500 RNs March on Kaiser Permanente Headquarters Say ‘Don’t Be Reason for Unsafe Holiday Season'

Nurses Protest Closures, Cuts in Hospital Care. More than 500 registered nurses from Kaiser facilities throughout Northern California, joined by patients, other hospital workers, and community supporters, marched on Kaiser Permanente’s Oakland, Ca. headquarters with a call to on the HMO giant to stop the reductions in hospital care. Singing holiday-themed carols – “Kaiser better watch out, better not cut, better not reduce our RN staff, the California nurses are in town,” and echoing chants like, “we want justice for our patients,” the RNs stepped up what has been a fall campaign of protest.

California Nurses Association
December 19, 2013