Maine State Nurses Association campaign for safe staffing ratios

Submitted by ADonahue on
Nurses with raised fists, holding signs "Bedside Nurses Support Ratios"

Maine nurses are standing up for nurse and patient safety by supporting L.D. 1639, “The Maine Quality Care Act”. Our union strongly supports this bill, sponsored by state Senator Stacy Brenner, RN.

There is a proven method to save patients’ lives and improve nurses’ working conditions while saving hospitals money — mandated minimum RN-to-patient staffing ratios. Studies show that if all hospitals increased RN staffing to match the best-staffed hospitals in the country, 5,000 in-hospital patient deaths and 60,000 adverse patient outcomes per year could be avoided. Additionally, unsafe staffing conditions lead to higher rates of job dissatisfaction and moral injury for RNs, leading to many leaving the bedside or the profession altogether.

Maine has an opportunity to lead the way by offering a real solution to the staffing crisis. Safe staffing ratios save lives. There is no more time to waste.

Take action

Four nurses holdiing signs "Safe Staffing Saves Lives"

Sign the petition for safe staffing

Sign our petition to pass the historic Maine Quality Care Act now!

Sign the petition »

Learn more about staffing ratios

Large group of nurses outside in snow hold signs "Staff Up for Safe Patient Care"

Myths and facts about safe staffing

Our patients are at risk from unsafe registered nurse (RN) staffing. Nurses know this and research shows this. But hospital administrators are trying to stop us from solving the crisis — and they’re spreading misinformation about staffing.

Learn more to help counter those myths with the truth »

Fact sheet: The Maine Quality Care Act

L.D. 1639 does the following to help secure safe staffing ratios in Maine:

  • Establishes mandated minimum RN staffing ratios that require additional staffing based on individual patient care needs.
  • Safeguards nurses’ right to advocate in exclusive interests of the patients under their care.
  • Protects nurse whistleblowers who speak out about assignments that are unsafe for the patient or nurse.
  • Requires hospitals to post notices on minimum ratios and maintain records on staffing.
  • Authorizes the Maine Department of Health and Human Services to enforce RN-to-patient limits.

Learn more by reading our fact sheet »

RN Staffing Ratios: A Necessary Solution to the Patient Safety Crisis in U.S. Hospitals

Safe staffing ratios are saving lives and bringing RNs back to the bedside.

Learn more by reading NNU's safe staffing ratios report »

Press releases

Maine nurses speaker at the presser with signs "Bedside nurses support ratios"

Maine nurses call on Gov. Mills to support nurse-to-patient ratios

Today, nurses publicly called on Gov. Janet Mills to support LD 1639, a bill that would create mandated nurse-to-patient ratios based on patients’ needs in Maine’s acute-care hospitals.

Maine State Nurses Association
April 11, 2024

Four nurses holdiing signs "Safe Staffing Saves Lives"

Nurses applaud Maine Senate for passing nurse-to-patient ratios bill

Maine nurses applaud the Maine Senate for passing LD 1639, The Maine Quality Care Act, today. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Stacy Brenner (D-Scarborough), passed (22-13) on a floor vote and now moves to the Maine State House of Representatives.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
March 27, 2024

Maine nurses taking action for safe staffing, holding banner that reads "Bedside nurses support ratios!"

Maine nurses to hold community forum on nurse staffing crisis and public health

Members of the Maine State Nurses Association will hold a community forum on Tuesday, December 5, on the current nurse staffing crisis and what can be done about it. The forum is co-sponsored by the Muskie School of Public Service, the Maine Women’s Lobby, and Maine People’s Alliance.

Maine State Nurses Association, National Nurses Organizing Committee
December 1, 2023

Group of smiling nurses holding signs "Bedside Nurses Support Ratios"

Nurses’ safe staffing bill is voted “ought to pass” out of Labor and Housing Committee

The Joint Standing Committee on Labor and Housing of the Maine State Legislature voted to support LD 1639, the Maine Quality Care Act. If passed by the full state legislature, the bill will set enforceable nurse-to-patient ratios in Maine’s hospitals.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
May 24, 2023

Large group of nurses with raised fists, holding banner "Bedside Nurses Support Ratios"

Nurses rally and testify at Maine state capital for enforceable nurse-to-patient ratios

Registered nurse members of the Maine State Nurses Association held a rally in Augusta, Maine, and testified at a hearing before the state legislature’s Labor and Housing Committee in support of the Maine Quality Care Act, a bill that would create legally enforceable nurse-to-patient ratios.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
May 4, 2023