Gender Justice

Nurses at march hold signs "Union Women are Powerful Women"

Registered nurses know that gender justice is fundamental to our ability to effectively advocate for patients, demand safe workplaces, and build healthy unions. Social well-being depends on care work that has historically been performed by women and gender-oppressed people. Nurses’ fight for gender justice is a fight for equity of opportunity, conditions, safety, collectivity, health, and dignity for all people regardless of gender. Read more ».

Striking women workers in 1909

International Working Women’s Day honors a union on strike

International Women’s Day is important. But to truly honor this day and its goals, we must revisit the story of International Working Women’s Day, of thousands of fed-up workers boiling over into the streets of New York. We need days like this to remind ourselves to celebrate what we’ve accomplished and still make an honest assessment of what oppresses us.

Hands holding various pride flags

LGBTQI+ health equity booklet

Learn about gender terms, health disparities and health determinants in sexual and gender minorities, and more.


When future students read about the Covid-19 pandemic, nurses want our stories to be emblazoned on those pages. We want our grandchildren to understand the righteous anger we felt, rushing between far too many patients at once — some of them our own dying colleagues — while our employers cut corners on staffing and posted record profits.
This Pride Month, National Nurses United is honored to celebrate the history of organized, collective resistance embodied in the LGBTQIA+ liberation movement.

The grief of watching eight of her children die before they reached age 7 led Ann Reeves Jarvis to reach out to other women in her poor Appalachian community in the 1850s to organize mothers’ clubs


NNU celebrates pride month

Hear from NNU nurses on the meaning of Pride Month, the achievements of the LGBTQIA+ communities, and solidarity in the face of current attacks on their health care.

With the help of her union, Dara is fighting for gender-affirming care at her facility

National Nurses United is proud to share this story from nurse-member Dara Tep, RN, and her colleagues.

Press releases

Nurses across the country are outraged by the Trump administration’s rollout of several policies attacking and endangering transgender Americans’ health, safety, and lives.
This Supreme Court actively promotes inequality, oppression, and discrimination. As nurses, we are advocates for our patients, communities, and ourselves.
National Nurses United applauds the Supreme Court’s decision to reject restrictions on access to Mifepristone, commonly known as the abortion pill.
NNU today urged the rejection of a new Florida bill intended to ban funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and eliminate majors focused on the study of race and gender in Florida colleges and universities calling it an attack on students of color, women, and access for all students to essential curriculum in higher education.