Press releases

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U.S. Court of Appeals to CHS: Repay Unions for Willful Bargaining Failures

The District of Columbia-based U.S. Court of Appeals has issued a rare, scathing order to the nation’s largest for-profit hospital chain, Tennessee-based Community Health Systems, requiring it to repay all of a union’s costs incurred in efforts to bargain a contract for registered nurses at a San Diego hospital. Writing for the court May 8, Senior Judge Harry Edwards, the court’s former Chief Judge, rejected CHS’ Fallbrook Hospital’s appeal of an April, 2014, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruling that Fallbrook acted in an “obstinate and pugnacious” manner in unlawfully refusing to bargain with nurses represented by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United.

National Nurses United
May 8, 2015

Hundreds of California RNs to Gather at Capitol May 12

Hundreds of registered nurses from across California will gather in Sacramento Tuesday, May 12 on the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale to encourage state legislators to step up efforts to improve protections for hospital patients, and stop an attack on regulatory safeguards.

California Nurses Association
May 8, 2015

Nurses Welcome Introduction of Legislation to Improve VA Care, RN Patient Advocacy Rights

Registered nurses today applauded the introduction of federal legislation to improve patient care for veterans, ensure equity among federal health care workers, and enable the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to recruit and retain a strong health care work force to serve the nation’s veterans.

National Nurses United
May 8, 2015

National Nurses United Board Member Michael Jackson Elected President of California Nursing Board

Michael Jackson, a San Diego RN and board member of National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses, won unanimous election Wednesday as president of the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN).

National Nurses United/California Nurses Association
May 7, 2015

Nurses to Demonstrate in DC for Patient Care Bill & Against VA Mgmt Attacks on Patient Advocacy

Registered nurses will mark International Nurses’ Day with two actions in the District of Columbia aimed at protecting patients and caregivers.

Global Nurses United/National Nurses United
May 7, 2015

One in Four MA RNs Report Patient Deaths That Are Directly Attributable to Unsafe Patient Assignment

85% of RNs agree that the quality of patient care in Massachusetts hospitals is suffering due to unsafe patient assignments including 61% of RNs who are aware of patient complications and 50% who are aware of patients who have been injured or harmed because hospitals are forcing nurses to care for too many patients at one time.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
May 6, 2015

Nurses, Healthcare Workers in 11 Countries Mark Nurses’ Week With Actions to Protect Patients

Leading nurse and healthcare union organizations in 11 countries across the globe are holding coordinated actions during International Nurses’ Week to highlight the global efforts to improve patient care protections, oppose cuts in health care services, and stop the erosion of nurses’ workplace and living standards that are under attack in many countries.

Global Nurses United
May 6, 2015

University of Chicago Approve New 4-Year Pact

University of Chicago Medical Center registered nurses Tuesday night voted by a strong majority to approve a new four-year agreement with the hospital that they say will strengthen patient care protections at the hospital.

National Nurses United
May 6, 2015

St. Joseph RNs Celebrate Nurses’ Day May 6 with Day of Action for Safer Patient Care Across State

From Eureka in the north west corner of California to Apple Valley in the south, registered nurses who work at St. Joseph Health System hospitals will mark national nurses day May 6 with calls for safer patient care at their hospitals.

California Nurses Association
May 5, 2015

Nurses Join Teachers, Homeowners to Voice Opposition to Phillips 66 Oil Train Project

Registered nurse will join with teachers and homeowners Tuesday to urge Pismo city leaders to oppose a controversial Phillips 66 proposal to add five additional rail shipments a week of dirty tar sands crude oil through the center of San Luis Obispo County to Phillips’ Santa Maria refinery.

California Nurses Association
May 4, 2015