Press releases

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Nurses: Senate Vote on Fast Track Puts Public Health at Risk

The nation’s largest organization of nurses today called the Senate vote to green light the fast track process for corporate-oriented trade pacts an abandonment of critical public health protections that will put lives and public health standards in jeopardy for millions of Americans.

National Nurses United
June 23, 2015

Nurses to Senator Feinstein: Vote NO on Fast Track and All Trade Deals that Endanger Public Health

Nurses will hold emergency rallies Monday, along with numerous organizations, at Senator Dianne Feinstein's offices across the state, insisting that she vote “No” on Fast Track Authority and oppose all trade deals that endanger the environment and public health.

California Nurses Association
June 22, 2015

RNs, Vets Rally Over Proposed Bed Closures at Brooklyn VA

Registered nurses, veterans and community members will hold an informational rally and press conference on Monday, June 22, at the Brooklyn VA hospital, to speak out against hospital management’s recent decision to close the 25-bed-capacity 12W medical surgical unit, National Nurses United announced today.

National Nurses United
June 19, 2015

• Veterans Affairs

As Fast Track Passes House, Nurses Shift Pressure to Senate To Prioritize People Over Wall Street

Nurses have been mobilizing for months against Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which threatens to give pharmaceutical companies the ability to inflate lifesaving medication costs and corporations the power to overturn environmental and food safety regulations.

June 19, 2015

RNs, Community Members Hold Sit In at Offices of Rep. Jim Costa, Urge No Vote on Fast Track/TPP

National Nurses United announced that that its nurse members will be joining a sit in, along with community organizations, at the offices of Rep. Jim Costa today urging him to shift his position and vote “No” on dangerous trade deals that have dire consequences for public health and patient safety.

California Nurses Association
June 16, 2015

Nurses, Community Leaders Will Speak Out on Threats to Patient Care at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital

Registered Nurses will hold a town hall meeting at the Valencia Branch of the Santa Clarita Public Library this Wednesday evening to let the public know what they are doing to insure quality patient care at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital.

California Nurses Association
June 16, 2015

California Nurses, Teachers Oppose Phillips 66 Oil Train Project

The 120,000-member California Federation of Teachers yesterday voted to add their voice to the growing community of nurses and teachers opposed to the Phillips 66 oil train project.

California Nurses Association
June 15, 2015

Fast Track Stalled by House Vote, RNs Seek to Derail For Good

As a House of Representatives vote Friday stalled Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, National Nurses United (NNU)—the largest organization of nurses in the country—has announced that its 190,000 members are doubling down pressure on Congress to derail Fast Track for good.

National Nurses United
June 15, 2015

UMass Memorial Medical Center Nurses Ratify New One-Year Contract

WORCESTER, MA – After just a handful of negotiating sessions held over the last two months, the 2,214 nurses represented by the Massachusetts Nurses Association at the UMass Memorial and UMass University campuses have cast overwhelming votes to ratify respective one-year contracts that provide the nurses with needed staffing increases, a modest pay raise and a novel “Respectful Relationship” clause that the nurses hope will lead to safer care for patients and a more satisfying environment.

Massachusetts Nurses Association
June 15, 2015

A Win For Public Health, For Now: Fast Track Stalled by Today’s Vote

As a House of Representatives vote Friday stalled Fast Track authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, National Nurses United (NNU) —the largest organization of nurses in the country—has announced that its 190,000 members are doubling down pressure on Congress to derail Fast Track for good.

National Nurses United
June 13, 2015