Press releases

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DC Council Committee Passes Key Bill to Protect Hospital Patients with Safe RN Staffing

Registered nurses who work in hospitals across the District of Columbia applauded a vote today by the District Council’s Committee on Business, Consumer, and Regulatory Affairs to approve safe hospital staffing legislation that would improve public safety and protect vulnerable hospital patients. The BCRA committee approved the bill by a vote of 4 to 1.

National Nurses United - Heal DC
July 7, 2015

Lahey Health Nurses Go Public with Concerns for Patient Safety

Exhausted nurses who work at Lahey Health’s Beverly Hospital and Addison Gilbert Hospital in Gloucester are sounding the alarm and taking action to address unsafe patient care conditions at their facilities, as Lahey management is deliberately and repeatedly forcing nurses to work mandatory overtime in direct violation of a 2012 state law that prohibits the dangerous practice as an alternative to providing safe RN staffing.

David Schildmeier, Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United
July 7, 2015

City of Hope RNs Approve New Union Contract Cite Strong Patient Care, Economic Improvements

Registered nurses who work at the City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, Ca. near Los Angeles voted overwhelmingly Tuesday night to approve a new, three-year collective bargaining contract they say will strengthen their ability to protect patients, as well as provide good economic gains. The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United represents some 850 City of Hope RNs.

California Nurses Association
July 2, 2015

Nurses Call Two-Day Strike at Eastern Maine Medical Center, Press Hospital to Address Safe Staffing

Registered nurses have called a two-day strike July 13 and 14 at Eastern Maine Medical Center to press hospital officials to finally address nurses’ concerns over unsafe staffing at the hospital. Negotiations have been on going since April with little movement over the key issue of safe staffing. Thursday morning, the RNs delivered a 10-day notice to hospital officials of their intent to strike, while noting that the RN negotiating team will continue to be available to bargain up to that deadline.

National Nurses United
July 2, 2015

Nurses: Court Decision to Consider Attack on Public Unions Poses threat to Public Health and Safety

Today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to grant review of a case challenging the survival of public sector unions poses a significant threat to public health and safety and quality of life, warned National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of nurses.

National Nurses United
June 30, 2015

UCSF RNs Challenge Mission Bay Arena Plan, Call for City to Prioritize Health, Public Services 1st

Citing impacts on access to care, patient health and the ability of patients, family members and health professionals to access Mission Bay’s hospitals and clinics in gridlock traffic, the California Nurses Association, today voiced opposition to the current plan for the proposed Golden State Warriors’ entertainment complex in Mission Bay.

California Nurses Association
June 29, 2015

After Long Fight, Cook County RNs Win New Tentative Pact with Staffing, Economic Improvements

More than 1,200 registered nurses who work at Cook County hospitals and clinics have, after many months of effort, won a tentative new collective bargaining agreement with county officials that they say addresses many patient care concerns and provides needed economic improvements.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - Illinois
June 26, 2015

MNA Nurses OK Strike at Leominster Hospital

The registered nurses of Leominster Hospital, who are represented by the Massachusetts Nurses Association and who have been working to negotiate a new contract with UMass Memorial Health Care for more than a year, cast an overwhelming vote tonight in favor of authorizing a one-day strike in protest to management’s refusal to improve its RN staffing levels inside of the hospital.

Massachusetts Nurses Association
June 25, 2015

Nurses: Fight for Healthcare for All Will Continue

National Nurses United welcomes today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court upholding federal tax subsidies for low and moderate income people required to buy private health insurance, but said nurses will continue to work for more comprehensive reform, expanding Medicare to cover all Americans.

National Nurses United
June 25, 2015

Nurses Continue to Oppose Flawed Trade Deal

In the wake of the Senate move to grant President Obama fast track authority to pass, without amendment, harmful global trade pacts, nurses will continue protests against agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership that pose an imminent threat to public health and safety, National Nurses United, the largest U.S. organization of registered nurses, said today.

National Nurses United
June 24, 2015