Press releases

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Sutter Roseville, Tracy RNs Approve New Pacts

Registered nurses at two more Sutter hospitals, Sutter Roseville Medical Center and Sutter Tracy Tuesday voted to approve new collective bargaining agreements with the big Northern California hospital chain that provide for economic gains, and for Tracy RNs, their first ever union contract.

California Nurses Association
December 23, 2015

Holiday Cheer in Auburn RNs at Sutter Auburn Faith Approve New Pact

Registered nurses at Sutter Auburn Faith voted by 96% Monday to approve a new four year contract agreement that will provide substantial economic gains while rebuffing hospital demands for cuts in health coverage, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today. RNs at Sutter Roseville and Sutter Tracy are voting on new contract proposals today. The pacts cover 1,000 RNs at Sutter Roseville, 340 RNs at Sutter Auburn Faith and some 200 RNs at Sutter Tracy, who are among 7,000 RNs represented by CNA at Sutter hospitals. Tracy RNs are voting on their first ever collective bargaining contract.

California Nurses Association
December 22, 2015

Most Trusted Profession

The Most Trusted Profession - Nurses Once Again Top Poll

"With an 85 percent honesty and ethics rating – tying their high point – nurses have no serious competition atop Gallup ranking this year." That's the conclusion of the Gallup's annual ranking of how Americans view 21 major professions - the 16th time in the 17 years, and 14 years in a row, that Gallup has surveyed public opinion on what profession is most trusted.

National Nurses United
December 21, 2015

Nurses Blast DNC Attack on Sanders Campaign Warn of Long-Term Consequences for Next November

National Nurses United today condemned what it called “the latest blatant effort by the Democratic National Committee to rig the primary process” in its decision to bar the campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders access to a critical master list of Democratic voters.

National Nurses United
December 18, 2015

Breakthrough at Sutter – Tentative Pact for RNs at Sutter Roseville, Auburn Faith, Tracy Hospitals

Registered nurses have settled long contract disputes with tentative contract agreements at three Northern California Sutter Health hospitals in Auburn, Roseville, and Tracy, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today that included major economic improvements for the nurses, withdrawal of concession demands, and the first ever contract for Sutter Tracy RNs. The pacts cover 1,000 RNs at Sutter Roseville, 240 RNs at Sutter Auburn Faith and some 200 RNs at Sutter Tracy, who are among 7,000 RNs represented by CNA at Sutter hospitals throughout Northern and Central California. Nurses will hold membership meetings Monday and Tuesday next week to vote on the accords.

California Nurses Association
December 17, 2015

Nurses Report EMMC Continues to Delay Staffing and Safety Improvements

Nurses at Eastern Maine Medical Center will deliver a petition to Eastern Maine Healthcare Systems on Thursday demanding that they take immediate steps to bring their corporate subsidiary, EMMC, into compliance with the safe staffing agreements made with registered nurses five months ago.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - MSNA
December 17, 2015

Cal/OSHA Public Hearing on Workplace Violence Prevention Thursday, Dec. 17, Sacramento

With state regulators close to putting the final touches on rules to prevent workplace violence in hospitals, nurses from throughout California, members of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, will testify at the Cal/OSHA Standard's Board public hearing this Thursday in Sacramento, to urge regulators to pass the regulations as soon as possible. The new regulations are mandated by legislation, SB 1299, the Healthcare Workplace Violence Prevention Act, sponsored by CNA last year and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. Thursday's public hearing on the proposed regulations marks the conclusion of a 45-day written comment period on the new regulations.

California Nurses Association
December 16, 2015

Nurses Urge Council to Pass Legislation to Ensure Hospital Safety

Washington, D.C. -- Registered nurses today urged the District of Columbia Council’s Committee on Health and Human Services to promptly pass legislation to ensure that hospitals create plans and take necessary action to protect patients, health care workers, and others from violence in hospitals.

December 10, 2015

Maine Nurses Oppose the TPP RNs Tell Commission Agreement Poses Health Risks

Bangor – Citing the grave public health and safety dangers the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement would pose for American patients, consumers, and workers, registered nurses spokeout at a Maine Citizen Trade Policy Commission hearing against the global trade pact and called on the Maine Legislature to oppose the deal.

Maine State Nurses Association
December 9, 2015

Excessive Health Care Injuries Can be Prevented by Bill Requiring Safe Patient Handling Practices

Beth Piknick was 21 years into her nursing career when she helped another nurse move a patient into bed at Cape Cod Hospital. That movement – performed by nurses every day across the country – sent a stabbing pain into Piknick’s back and derailed her career as an Intensive Care Unit nurse.

Massachusetts Nurses Association
December 7, 2015