Press releases

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Today Nurses Big Red #BernieBus Heads to Georgia in Campaign for Sanders

The National Nurses United #BernieBus travels to Georgia today where nurses will continue their voter outreach efforts in support of Bernie Sanders in the Augusta and Atlanta area. Nurses are seeking to connect with voters leading up to the Democratic Party primary in Georgia on March 1 to explain why they support Sen. Sanders.

National Nurses United
February 18, 2016

Today Nurses Big Red #BernieBus Visits Five South Carolina Colleges in Campaign for Sanders

Today National Nurses United members aboard the #BernieBus continue their campaign swing in South Carolina with visits to students at college campuses in Orangeburg and Columbia. Joining the nurses on the bus for the day of campus outreach will be Dr. Willie Legette, a professor of political science at South Carolina State University.

National Nurses United
February 17, 2016

Nurses Hold Light Brigade for Bernie on Vegas Strip Wednesday

National Nurses United’s #BernieBus is making its way back to Vegas Wednesday evening, where nurses will host a “light brigade for Bernie”—featuring LED “Bernie” signs on the Vegas strip, near the Bellagio, to draw attention to Sanders’ campaign.

National Nurses United
February 17, 2016

Nurses Roll On in South Carolina Campaign for Sanders

National Nurses United members continue their campaign swing in South Carolina Tuesday and Wednesday joining a town hall in Charleston for Sen. Bernie Sanders and a youth mock caucus Tuesday

National Nurses United
February 16, 2016

#BernieBus Nurses Visit Nevada Capital, Meet With Students in Lead Up to Nevada Caucuses

In the countdown to Saturday's Nevada caucuses, National Nurses United’s #BernieBus is making its way through the Nevada capital, Carson City, on Tuesday morning, and then heading to the University of Nevada Reno to meet with students. Nurses will be passing out Bernie placards and flyers on campus, and explaining how to caucus.

National Nurses United
February 16, 2016

Nurses Converge in Nevada To Canvass for Bernie Sanders

This weekend, registered nurses will gather in Henderson, Nevada to canvass for Bernie Sanders, National Nurses United (NNU) announced today.

National Nurses United
February 12, 2016

Nurses Step up South Carolina Campaign for Sanders

The nation’s largest organization of nurses is continuing its campaign for Sen. Bernie Sanders this weekend in Orangeburg, Columbia, and Myrtle Beach with visits with students, union members, and a community forum and town hall.

National Nurses United
February 12, 2016

Nurses to Get Out the Vote for Sanders in New Hampshire

Registered nurses from New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Maine will gather in Manchester, NH Monday and Tuesday in the final push to get out the vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the first in the nation primary Tuesday.

National Nurses United
February 9, 2016

West Virginia Nurses Speak Out Against Proposed "Right-to-Work" Law

Registered nurses and other concerned West Virginians will hold a press conference Thursday to support Governor Earl Ray Tomblin's expected veto of the controversial so-called "right-to-work" legislation that will soon be sent to his desk.

National Nurses United
February 9, 2016

West Virginia RNs Speak Out Against Anti-Worker Legislation

West Virginia registered nurses are calling on state residents to join them in opposing controversial state legislation that say would erode public health and patient protections as well as worker and union rights.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - MSNA
February 4, 2016