Press releases

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Maine Union Members Gather in Support of Bernie Sanders

On Saturday, January 23, union members will gather in Portland in support of Senator Bernie Sanders for president of the United States.

National Nurses Organizing Committee - MSNA
January 21, 2016

Nurses Ratify Agreement on New Three-Year Contract

(St. Paul) – January 19, 2016 – Minnesota Nurses Association members from five metro hospital systems ratified a new three-year contract that will give them across-the-board wage increases and protect their pensions and health benefits.

Minnesota Nurses Association
January 21, 2016

National Nurses’s #BernieBus Iowa Swing Underway

National Nurses United’s #BernieBus tour begins its second day of campaign stops in Iowa Wednesday, January 20, exactly one year before the next President takes office, with a 3 p.m. rally in Cedar Falls featuring noted commentator and activists Jim Hightower, the former Texas Agricultural Commissioner.

National Nurses United
January 20, 2016

National Nurses’s #BernieBus Arrives In Iowa Tuesday Des Moines Kickoff Rally with Union

Fresh from a successful whirlwind tour of Nevada, another early voting state, the National Nurses United’s #BernieBus tour arrives in Iowa Tuesday morning, Jan. 19 for a series of campaign events heading towards the first in the nation caucuses February 1.

National Nurses United
January 19, 2016

Nurses Applaud New Sanders Plan for Healthcare for All

National Nurses United today enthusiastically welcomed Sen. Bernie Sanders’ new plan for achieving the dream of countless Americans for nearly a century – healthcare coverage for everyone.

National Nurses United
January 18, 2016

Nurses Urge California AG to Deny Application for Merger of St. Joseph Health System and Providence

The nation's largest nurses organization, National Nurses United, this week called on California Attorney General Kamala Harris to reject efforts by two large Catholic hospital systems to consolidate, in a merger that NNU warns could have a major impact on the cost, quality and availability of critical hospital services.

California Nurses Association
January 15, 2016

Mills-Peninsula Sutter RNs Ratify New Contract

Registered nurses who work at Mills-Peninsula Health Services hospitals in San Mateo and Burlingame, Ca. voted by 92 percent Wednesday to approve a new contract becoming the latest Sutter RNs to win a new collective bargaining agreement with significant gains.

California Nurses Association
January 14, 2016

Nurses Converge in Nevada To Canvass for Bernie Sanders

This weekend, registered nurses from across the country will join Nevada nurses in Las Vegas to canvass for Bernie Sanders, National Nurses United (NNU) announced today.

National Nurses United
January 14, 2016

#BernieBus to Visit Las Vegas Nurses Thursday

National Nurses United’s #BernieBus campaign tour continues in Las Vegas Thursday with two stops to visit registered nurses outside MountainView hospital, and other iconic locals around the city in the afternoon.

January 14, 2016

Nurses’ #BernieBus Continues Southern Nevada Push Stops at Private Prison, Labor Meeting Wednesday

Continuing the latest push through Southern Nevada in support of the Presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders, the National Nurses United #BernieBus Wednesday will make stops outside the Nevada Southern Detention Center in Pahrump before returning to visit a meeting of the Southern Nevada Central Labor Council in Henderson.

National Nurses United
January 13, 2016