Press releases

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Hundreds of Nurses Will Join Million Student March Action at U.C. Berkeley

Hundreds of nurses from throughout Northern California will join a student rally at U.C. Berkeley Thursday as part of the Million Student March national day of action, the California Nurses Association announced today.

California Nurses Association
November 10, 2015

Contra Costa County Nurses Vote Overwhelmingly to Ratify New Contract

In membership meetings held last week, Contra Costa County nurses voted overwhelmingly—by 95 percent—to ratify a new contract, the California Nurses Association announced today. “Our nurses have shown, with this vote, that what we fought for at the bargaining table was finally achieved,” says Farina Khan, Emergency Department RN.

California Nurses Association
November 9, 2015

Nurses Applaud President’s Decision to Reject Keystone XL

National Nurses United congratulated President Obama’s decision to reject the Keystone XL pipeline, a project nurses have long opposed for its imminent threat to public health and its contribution to accelerating the climate crisis. “This is an important decision that will protect thousands of Americans who would face significant health hazards from the transport and refining of the dangerous tar sands oil that Keystone was proposed to carry, and it adds momentum to the fight against the harmful effects of climate change,” said NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro.

National Nurses United
November 6, 2015

Nurses: Final TPP Text Even Worse Than Advertised

“Despite the promises and reassurances offered by the Obama administration, the final text is even worse than prior reports had predicted. No wonder it was concealed for so long,” said RoseAnn DeMoro, NNU Executive Director and a vice-president of the AFL-CIO. “We will continue to demand that Congress reject this fatally flawed agreement, and hold accountable those legislators who vote against the public interest.”

National Nurses United
November 5, 2015

RNs at Marin General Will Strike Thursday, Nov. 5

Due to management’s refusal to meaningfully address nurses’ patient care concerns, Marin General Hospital (MGH) nurses will move forward with a strike Thursday, Nov. 5, the California Nurses Association (CNA) announced today. The walkout will involve around 520 registered nurses from MGH, who have been in negotiations with the hospital for 11 months. Nurses say patient care and workplace safety issues have not been adequately addressed—although the hospital has reported $49 million in profits over the last three years.

California Nurses Association
November 4, 2015

Nurses Hail Cal/OSHA's Proposed Regulations to Prevent Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings

Nurses are very pleased with the Cal/OSHA Board's proposed regulations for workplace violence prevention, announced the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today.

California Nurses Association
November 3, 2015

Nurses Welcome TransCanada Decision to Suspend Permit Bid for Keystone XL Pipeline Project

National Nurses United late today welcomed the announcement that TransCanada is suspending its U.S. application for approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline, a project NNU, the nation’s largest nurses organization, has opposed for nearly three years as an significant threat to public health as well as for its role in accelerating the climate crisis.

National Nurses United
November 2, 2015

Nurses Reach Tentative Agreement with Contra Costa County

In a critical breakthrough, after 15 months of bargaining and a recent two-day strike, Contra Costa County nurses have reached a tentative agreement with the County, the California Nurses Association announced today. “We are pleased that the County has listened to nurses, and we feel that this agreement will help us retain the experienced nurses that our patients deserve,” said Kathy Avila, RN. “We’re grateful to all the supporters in the community who stood by us and helped us advocate for better patient care and working conditions.”

November 2, 2015

NNU Convention Delegates Unanimously Re-Affirm Endorsement of Bernie Sanders for President

Meeting in a national convention Saturday, more than 150 National Nurses United delegates from across the U.S. voted unanimously to re-affirm the union’s endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders for President.

National Nurses United
October 26, 2015

RNs at Marin General Announce Plans to Strike Nov. 5

After 10 months of stalled contract negotiations, Marin General Hospital (MGH) nurses have issued a strike notice, for a one-day strike that would, if necessary, take place Thursday, Nov. 5, the California Nurses Association (CNA) announced today. The walkout will involve around 520 registered nurses from MGH. Nurses say they are prepared to strike, if necessary, over patient care and workplace safety issues, which have not been adequately addressed—although the hospital has reported $49 million in profits over the last three years.

California Nurses Association
October 26, 2015