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Annual fashion show keeps Nataline Sarkisyan's story alive

They weep still for their blue-eyed Nataline. Their tears flow for what they remember: Their daughter in her room, the pink walls decorated with posters of the Jonas Brothers. They see her there sketching in a notebook the dresses and blouses and jackets she would one day like to design. Nataline Sarkisyan died in a UCLA hospital bed on Dec. 20, 2007. She was 17. Her story drew nationwide attention because the liver transplant she needed was denied by her family's health insurer, CIGNA.

Contra Costa Times
July 11, 2012

Chicago Nurses Say: We Need a Robin Hood Tax!

National Nurses United(NNU) took up the cause of Robin Hood at Chicago’s downtown J.P. Morgan Chase building on June 19. With its merry band of tax reforming nurses, the NNU held a lunch hour rally to press for a financial transactions tax (FTT) or as it is more commonly called, a “Robin Hood Tax”. Chicago was among 15 cities where similar rallies were held. Easily recognized by their red scrubs along with their Robin Hood hats and masks, NNU members described the Robin Hood tax in signs that read,”It’s Not a Tax On the People. It’s a Tax For the People.”
July 6, 2012

When It’s the Nurse Who Needs Looking After

Tall, in her 50s and sporting a perfectly coiffed salt-and-pepper pixie cut, the woman was one of the most respected nurses in the hospital. She had nearly three decades of clinical experience, so older nurses and doctors valued her insight, younger ones sought her approval, and those of us in between tried to stand a little straighter in her presence. One morning, however, she arrived at work to find that the hospital was full and her unit understaffed. It wasn’t the first time she had to cover for more patients because of staffing issues, but by the end of this 12-hour shift, she noticed a slight twinge in her lower back — a minor muscle sprain, she thought, from helping one of the other nurses lift a patient. A week later, the slight twinge turned into debilitating back pain.

New York Times
July 6, 2012

The Big Red Bus Stopped in San Jose

We need single payer health care now! The single payer plan is also called Medicare for All. The Raging Grannies came out in support of the California Nurses Association, saying the best change would be to a system that takes care of everyone in America's health needs.
July 6, 2012

Health care for all; California Nurses Association tour makes stop in Santa Cruz

Volunteer nurses, dressed in red medical outfits matching the color of the tour's coach, were distributing fliers downtown, inviting people to get a free blood pressure screening and a blood sugar test. Santa Cruz was the 12th stop on the California Nurses Association Tour.

Silicon Valley Mercury News
July 6, 2012

Hospital deal in danger as papers suggest breaches

Mayor Ed Lee's deal with California Pacific Medical Center on a $2.5 billion overhaul of its San Francisco medical facilities is in jeopardy after internal financial documents were leaked showing hospital officials considered cutting hundreds of jobs, paying substantially less in charity care than envisioned in the deal, and could close a hospital despite pledging to keep it open.

San Francisco Chronicle
July 3, 2012

State Fines Sutter/Alta Bates Over $84,000 for Willful Failure to Protect Staff, Police Officer

California’s Department of Occupational Health and Safety has fined Sutter corporation’s Alta Bates Summit Medical Center for willful misconduct in dangerously exposing staff and police officers to a serious illness that resulted in permanent disabilities for a respiratory tech and an Oakland police officer.

June 29, 2012

Sanders, Nurses on SC Ruling: Cool, but We Still Need 'Medicare for All'

What Sanders says about Thursday’s Supreme Court decision upholding the ACA provides important insights for progressives as they respond to a complex decision that, in the words of the National Nurses United union, “should not be seen as the end of the efforts by health care activists for a permanent fix of our broken health-care system.”

The Nation.
June 28, 2012

The Robin Hood Tax: A Powerful Antidote to Austerity

Last week, nurses rallied, bank staff marched, conservatives coalesced and finance professionals petitioned—all in support of a global tax on Wall Street speculation. You wouldn’t know it from the headlines, but by week’s end, that elusive goal was closer than ever.

The Nation.
June 25, 2012

Health reform bus tour stops in Santa Ana today

The California Nurses Association will offer free health screenings in Santa Ana Wednesday afternoon as part of a 3-week, statewide bus tour to advocate for expanding Medicare to cover all Americans.

June 22, 2012