
Submitted by oldAdministrator on

Are Nurses Headed to War with SEIU?

On June 15, a day after a Service Employees International Union (SEIU) official asked labor leaders not to oppose a change to nurse-patient ratios, California Nurses Association (CNA) Executive Director Rose Ann De Moro sent a blistering e-mail to her colleagues: “It is a war, of that I am certain, and it will not be pretty.”

June 19, 2012

CNA Wages War Against UHW in California Claiming Attempt to Suspend Staffing Ratios

A war has erupted between two health care unions in California over an attack by one of the unions on the state's nurse-to-patient ratios.

June 19, 2012

CNA and SEIU-UHW Battle Over Labor's Future

Going public with longstanding concerns about SEIU-UHW's partnership with the hospital industry, California Nurses Association leader RoseAnn DeMoro called SEIU-UHW head Dave Regan “overtly disgraceful” and “an enormous embarrassment to the labor movement” in a June 14 email.

June 18, 2012

Health Care Unions In California Split Over Nurse-To-Patient Ratios

One labor union’s position on nurse-to-patient ratios in California hospitals has outraged other unions that represent registered nurses in the state. In California, hospitals are required by law to maintain certain nurse-to-patient ratios at all times -- a hard-won legal stipulation that went into effect in 2004 and has wide support among nurses as well as patient advocates in the state.

June 17, 2012

Do Nurses Have an Rx for Our Ailing Economy?

They became a Chicago media sensation after they streamed into Chicago’s Daley Plaza on the morning of May 18, wearing the now familiar National Nurses United (NNU) red scrubs. Many of them had the green caps and masks you've seen in nearly every Robin Hood movie ever made. The NNU is the largest union of nurses in the USA and one of the more progressive unions in the AFL-CIO. In addition to improving working conditions for nurses, the NNU has taken on the role of trying to nurse our sick economy back to health.
May 31, 2012

Safe and effective care

The Eastern Maine Medical Center nurses contract fight is about more than just winning a good contract for our members. When a nurse has 16 hours of work to complete in a 12 hour period of time, her work can’t be left for tomorrow. This is the struggle our nurses face on a day-to-day basis. As patients come to us sicker, with more needs, and as responsibilities increase, staffing levels remain inadequate and uncertain.

Bangor Daily News
May 30, 2012

Franken Hearing Wednesday to Focus on Fairview Collection Tactics

One of the witnesses scheduled to testify during a U.S. Senate field hearing about collection tactics at Fairview Health Services offered a preview of her comments on Tuesday, May 29. Jean Ross said the collection issue surfaced when her grandson was being treated in 2010 at Fairview Ridges Hospital in Burnsville, after the 13-month-old boy had been rushed to the emergency room with what turned out to be an acute inflammation of the brain called encephalitis.

Twin Cities
May 29, 2012

Global push to guarantee health coverage leaves U.S. behind

China, Mexico and other countries far less affluent are working to provide medical insurance for all citizens. It's viewed as an economic investment.

Los Angeles Times
May 24, 2012

Family health care premiums exceed 20% of income

Family health insurance premiums in California went up 52 percent between 2003 and 2010 and now exceed 20 percent of income, according to a study released today.

San Francisco Chronicle
May 24, 2012

Study: Family Health Insurance Premiums Up by 52% in California

Premium costs for family health insurance in California increased by 52% from 2003 to 2010 and consume a larger share of residents' income, according to a study by the Commonwealth Fund, the San Francisco Chronicle reports (Colliver, San Francisco Chronicle, 11/17).

California Healthline
May 24, 2012