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Nurses protest at Rideout

About 50 registered nurses, nursing assistants and their families demonstrated Monday with picket signs across the street from Rideout-Memorial Hospital in Marysville.
August 7, 2012

Walter Frederickson: A tax for the people, not on the people

Earlier this spring, I stood on the steamy streets of Chicago and witnessed a revival that my union brothers and sisters in the Windy City said was a long time coming. I’d been swept into town a day earlier along with hundreds of nurses, union members and others to help National Nurses United (of which MNA is a founding member) launch what quickly became a national movement – the call for a “Robin Hood Tax” on the “Too Big to Fail” banks and Wall Street speculators who created this financial nightmare.

Opinion Editorial by: Walter Frederickson, R.N.
August 1, 2012

NHS among developed world's most efficient health systems, says study

The NHS is one of the most cost-effective health systems in the developed world, according to a study (pdf) published in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. The "surprising" findings show the NHS saving more lives for each pound spent as a proportion of national wealth than any other country apart from Ireland over 25 years. Among the 17 countries considered, the United States healthcare system was among the least efficient and effective.

the guardian
July 31, 2012

Nurse burnout linked to lapses in patient care

For years nurses — and their union representatives — have argued that inadequate staffing hurts patients. A new study in the American Journal of Infection Control examines the problem and suggests that burnout drives some common lapses in patient care.

July 31, 2012

"Robin Hood Tax" Makes Case in DC

As the Global AIDS Conference brings people from all over the world to Washington, DC, National Nurses United and other groups call for a Robin Hood Tax on financial transactions to fund healthcare, housing, and a cure for AIDS.

The Real News Network
July 30, 2012

Burned-out nurses linked to more infections in patients

Heavy patient loads and chronic burnout have long been among the top complaints of nurses at the nation’s hospital bedsides. But a new study shows that those problems affect not only the nurses themselves, but also the number of infections in the people they care for.

NBC News
July 30, 2012

Penn Study Examines Link Between Nurse Burnout, Care

For years, as hospitals cut costs to survive ever-increasing financial pressures, nurses argued that inadequate staffing harms patients. California's controversial and, so far, unique response was to mandate minimum nurse-to-patient ratios, which, if applied locally, would prevent 222 surgical deaths annually in New Jersey and 264 in Pennsylvania, researchers here calculated in 2010. Now members of that same University of Pennsylvania team say they have figured out a key reason for that. Though it might seem clear-cut - fewer caregivers provide poorer care - they maintain the issue is not simply numbers but a bad work environment. And that leads to burnout.

Philidelphia Inquirer
July 30, 2012

Gold medal coverage? Not exactly

Olympic athletes may perform superhuman feats on the field. But when they buy health insurance, they face a system just as weird and complicated as the rest of us do.

Washington Post
July 27, 2012

NNU logo

Out of Work, Out of Luck

The government has the tools to help remedy the jobs crisis, so why isn't it doing anything?

The American Prospect
July 19, 2012

Nurses Union Will Keep Fighting for Medicare for All

Now that the Supreme Court has upheld the Affordable Care Act, former insurance company executive Wendell Potter’s appeal to single payer advocates to “bury the hatchet,” recently published in The Nation, is both misdirected and shortsighted. By RoseAnn DeMoro, NNU/CNA Executive Director

The Nation, By RoseAnn DeMoro
July 17, 2012