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Jeanne Taverne

Jeanne Taverne: Pushing for Healthcare in a Broken System

Having worked as an RN for thirty-four years, Jeanne Taverne is well-acquainted with the struggles her patients face. “Unjust social and economic policies contribute to health inequity,” she says. “I have seen clients coming to our clinics that do not have access to health care because of lack of insurance. These clients need an advocate to help them navigate through the health system.”

Senator Bernie Sanders introduces his Medicare for All bill

Sen. Sanders Medicare for All Act - The Time Has Come Today

The dream of healthcare reformers for more than a century—and the incredible and unending work of nurses, especially National Nurses United members, to guarantee health care with comprehensive benefits and a single standard of quality care for everyone—is moving a huge step forward.

By RoseAnn DeMoro writing for Common Dreams

Health Care YES, Insurance Companies NO

Single payer health care’s opponents are beholden

I am a retired registered nurse who worked for 40 years in acute care hospitals. I watched all those years as our health care system morphed into the heath insurance for profit system now in place, which is a disgrace and denies health care access to millions of people, and which often results in death and/or needless stress and suffering.

Times Standard - Letters

Protester from Poor Peoples' Campaign

California has the world’s fifth-largest economy. Fix taxes to fix wealth disparity

To listen to the doom and gloom crowd, starting in the Oval Office, California resembles a failed nation with burdensome taxes on the state’s highest income residents, and badly misplaced priorities.

Bonnie Castillo, Special to The Sacramento Bee

Florida nurses holding sign

Florida Nurses Fight to Ban Fracking, Protect the Planet

Several National Nurses Organizing Committee RNs representing Florida's Gulf Coast traveled to the state capital in Tallahassee March 13 to call on their lawmakers to ban fracking. There are currently five bills in Florida’s House and Senate that call for a ban on fracking, but several of the bills have loopholes that will allow big oil to start fracking in the Sunshine State.

National Nurses United

RN Hero Mandi Howard on her Haiti experience and the USS Iwo Jima

When I first got the call from RNRN that I was going on a US Navy ship to participate in Continuing Promise 2010 I was so excited and I have to say that excitement lasted the whole trip! Working with the military and living aboard the USS Iwo Jima was a great experience that I will never forget.


Who's Your Doctor's Daddy?

...when a recent report came out about insurance companies buying up physician groups and providers in increasing numbers, I wasn’t very surprised.


New study: Jobs crisis promotes rationing of care

A new NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation survey released today documented again the direct link between the economic crisis – you know the one Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman now says we ought to start calling a Depression – and families undermining their health.

National Nurses Movement

URGENT: Please help MNA’s Northland RNs

Please take a moment to watch this video, see the devastation MNA RNs are suffering in the Northland after the June 20 floods and make an online contribution through MNA to help them!

MNA blog

Payroll deception with a new face...

Again California "Special Interests" have a proposition on our November ballot. It is called the "Special Exemptions Act", better known as Proposition 32. And it gets a little confusing determining just who are those who will benefit from these "special exemptions". Perhaps this nurse's take on exactly what will this Proposition do for my patients might shed some light on the real agenda this proposition supports. It is NOT what it seems....Proposition 32, the Special Exemptions Act, touted as political campaign reform. Proposition 32 claims to be about stopping special interest money in politics, but it is really an attempt to deceive voters into passing a law that would change the rules to benefit wealthy corporate the expense of middle-class workers and unions.

CNA blog by Kathryn Donahue, RN