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We Will Not Waver in Our Political Revolution

Led by an all-star lineup of prominent national leaders, more than 3,000 people attended the three-day People’s Summit in Chicago last week in order to build momentum and strategize for the next phase of the populist moment that found itself galvanized around the presidential campaign of Bernie Sanders.

RoseAnn DeMoro writing for Common Dreams

CNA/NNU Nurses Celebrate the Strongest Workplace Violence Prevention Regulations in the Country

A groundbreaking victory last week when the California Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board voted unanimously to approve nation-leading regulations to prevent workplace violence in hospitals and healthcare settings.

Bonnie Castillo, RN

NNU Letter to U.S. House of Representatives Urging Opposition to AHCA

As the American Health Care Act (AHCA) comes to a vote on the House floor, NNU nurses have sent a letter to representatives urging a “No” vote—given that the AHCA poses a mortal threat to the health and wellbeing of patients, and to the health security of this country.

National Nurses United

Nurses Beware Of Harmful Exposures To Chemicals, Hazardous Drugs And More (Part 2)

Nurse Talk Radio talks with USF Professor of Public Health, Barbara Sattler and Occupational Health Nurse Consultant Mary E. Miller.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Sicko cover

Michael Moore's movie SICKO. Ten years later, have things changed?

In 2007 our Senior Healthcare Correspondent and Executive Director of Progressive Democrats of America Donna Smith, appeared in Michael Moore’s groundbreaking documentary about the American Healthc

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Certify Our Contract Now

DC nurses cheer contract, celebrate back pay due to them

District of Columbia nurses working for United Medical Center celebrated a huge win in April when the DC Council unanimously passed a resolution ratifying a contract that awarded nurses nearly $4 million in back pay for raises due to them dating back to 2014.

District of Columbia Nurses Association

Patients Deserver Safe Staffing

Nurses in California Celebrate 15 Years of Life Saving RN to Patient Ratios Law

California’s historic first-in-the-nation safe staffing ratios, sponsored by the California Nurses Association, took 13 years to win.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurse holds sign "Pass the HEROES Act" outside U.S. Senate

The HEALS Act Puts Lives at Risk

The benefits keeping people and families in America afloat expired Friday. If Senate Republicans have their way, what comes next would involve these millions of benefit recipients making choices no one wants to make.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United

Queen Meg: Culture-Jamming Whitman

If this were a monarchy, Meg Whitman's $1.7 billion Wall Street fortune would make her rich enough to rule. Fortunately, we live in a democracy and candidates like Whitman, the billionare corporate CEO seeking to become Governor of California, remain reliant on the votes of the very people they fleeced.

Nurses Take On Wall Street

More than a thousand RNs and other activists marched on Wall Street Wednesday, chanting “Wall Street got bailed out! We got sold out!”

Main Street Blog