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Nurses to Obama: Push for a Global Financial Transaction Tax, Now!

By RoseAnn DeMoro – Will President Obama be the main holdout when world leaders, under growing pressure from the occupy Wall Street protests across the world and demand building for a tax on international financial transactions, meet early next month at the G-20 summit in France?

Alternet BLOG

Health Insurance Fine Print Still Written in Blood

With great fanfare this week, the Washington Post reports that United Healthcare plans to keep key consumer provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act no matter what the Supreme Court rules about the individual insurance purchase mandate. It sounds so, well, friendly and reasonable, doesn’t it? But read it again and then I want to tell you what that really says to America’s patients and to United Healthcare’s policyholders.

Donna Smith, NNU Community Organizer

No on Prop 32

If Prop. 32 passes, the California Hospital Association, which already has enormous influence in Sacramento, along with its allies in California Chamber of Commerce, insurance industry, and other corporate interests will be able to take dead aim at RN staffing ratios, meal and rest breaks, limits on forced overtime, oversight on hospital and nursing home abuses, and other workplace and patient safety protections – with little ability for nurses to use our collective voice to challenge them.

CNA Blog

CNA RNs, Labor Supporters Join Sutter Solano RNs to Condemn Illegal Attacks on Nurses’ Rights

Sutter Solano registered nurses, joined by RNs from other hospitals and local labor leaders spoke out Tuesday to condemn the Vallejo hospital executives for illegal threats and disciplinary actions against nurses who have exercised their collective rights to protest sweeping concession demands.

CNA Blog

The time has come to expand Medi-Cal

As California grapples with implementation of the Affordable Care Act, it’s worth emphasizing that the significant gaps in the federal law call out for stronger action in the states to address a healthcare emergency that is far from over.

Malinda Markowitz commentary, Capitol Weekly

Concerns and Opposition Grow in Anticipation of Upcoming MTV Nurse Series Scrubbing In

Cable channel, MTV, is set to launch the so-called “Reality-TV” show Scrubbing In this Thursday Oct. 24 on MTV. The show focuses on ten travel nurses who are on temporary assignment in Orange County, California.

National Nurses United

Honor Dr. King's fight for economic justice with tax on Wall Street

From Maine to California, nurses, students, HIV/AIDS and community activists, took to the streets today calling on Congress to fulfill the quest of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s fight for economic justice by enacting a tax on Wall Street speculation to fund efforts to reverse inequality. "The Inclusive Prosperity Act would make Dr. King proud," said Rep. Keith Ellison at a kick off press conference in Washington against the backdrop of the U.S. Capitol.

National Nurses United

Large group of nurses at panel table

Global Nurses Step Up Campaigns on Health Care, Climate Fight

With the multiple threats of attacks on health workers, efforts to privatize public health services, austerity budget cuts especially in health care, widening inequality, and the effects of the climate crisis including escalating epidemics, nurses around the globe are stepping up coordinated efforts to fight back.

Global Nurses United

The True Price of Gas in Torrance

"A plume of smoke blanketed the city of Torrance Wednesday, Feb. 18 after the ExxonMobil refinery explosion jolted local residents. It shook homes and schools, ripped through the city like an earthquake, injured workers, and rained ash that covered sidewalks with black soot. When nurses arrived to see the damage, the toxic air caused them nausea and choking that persisted through the day.

Kate Usher, National Nurses United

Don Nielsen - Part 4 - SB466 - CA Board Sunset

Part 4 of Legislative conversation with Don Nielsen, Director of Government Relations for CNA. Don talks about a "Sunset" provision that might do away with the California Board of Nursing. Interesting!

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio