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Fresno RNs, Community Members Hold Sit In at Offices of Rep. Costa

Staff members expecting a quiet morning at Rep. Jim Costa’s Fresno office—underestimated what can happen when Congress members vote to endanger public health, with a trade deal that could balloon medication costs, overturn nurse-to-patient ratios, and destroy the environment.

National Nurses United

NNU logo

Hundreds of Nurses Join Million Student March

In solidarity with students across the country protesting the outrageous costs and crippling debts of their college educations, more than 800 registered nurses with the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee and National Nurses United marched and rallied Nov. 12 with University of California at Berkeley students as part of the Million Student March.

National Nurses United

Major RN Strike, 10,000 Participate

Nurse Talk Radio visits with Minnesota RN Angela Becchetti about the major nurses strike. Over 10,000 will participate.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Hurricane Matthew Update: RNRN/NNU Assists International Medical Corps Efforts in Haiti

Hurricane Matthew wreaked havoc last week in the Caribbean and the U.S. The hardest hit was Haiti, where the unofficial death toll (a number reported by Reuters but not officially confirmed) has now risen to 1,000, where they are starting to bury the dead in mass graves.

RN Response Network

Spooky house

The Republican House of Horrors Offers a Terrifying Healthcare Vision

Halloween arrived early this year featuring the Republican house of horrors seeking to fulfill their long lust for repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro writing for Common Dreams

18,000 Kaiser Nurses Begin Bargaining by Joining Forces With Patients Across California

From the first cry of a newborn child, to the last breath of a dying patient, there’s a constant foundation on which Kaiser patients can always rely: Kaiser nurses. Nurses are the hand-holding, life-saving thread woven throughout their patients' entire healthcare experience.

California Nurses Association

Hiram Johnson

California’s campaign for universal health care has a long history

With House Speaker Paul Ryan pledging to push major Medicare cuts to reduce the added $1 trillion in federal debt created by the huge tax gifts for corporations and the super-rich proposed in versions of the House and Senate tax bill that Republicans are working to reconcile.

RoseAnn DeMoro, Executive Director of NNU/CNA

Nurses at UC Sympathy Strike

Nurses Don’t Need Candy and Platitudes for Nurses Week; We Need Workplace Protections and Respect

Happy nurses week! It’s the time of year when our employers honor us for the hard work we do every day, healing and saving lives.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of NNU/CNA

Nurses rally to win Medicare for All

2019: The Year of Medicare for All

Behind all of the disheartening statistics found in the current for-profit syustem are real people, enduring pain and suffering that should be unacceptable in the wealthiest country on earth.

Zenei Cortez, RN, Co-President of National Nurses United

Vote Nurses Values graphic

Lives Are on the line in November.

The COVID-19 deaths in America were not inevitable. They are the result of President Trump and his administration abandoning nurses, other health care and frontline workers, and the public at large.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United