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Senator Bernie Sanders announces Medicare for All bill

We all know that the Affordable Care Act was a critically important step towards the goal of universal health care. But 29 million Americans today still do not have health insurance, and millions more are underinsured because health insurance companies are making our health care unaffordable and inaccessible.

Jeff Weaver, President of Our Revolution

Liberals Strike Back... Against Single Payer

In the name of political reality, some liberal pundits, politicians and policy wonks are scolding progressives to give up on Medicare for All. There are many ways to achieve "universal coverage," we're told.

Michael Lighty, Writing for Common Dreams

Deborah Burger, Co-President of National

Encore of RN and NNU Co-President Deborah Burger's "State of the Nurses Union"

This week we share one of the most critical Nurse Talk Radio interviews of 2017---The State Of The Union with RN and Co-President of National Nurses United, Deborah Burger.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

District of Columbia Nurses Association Logo

DCNA nurses fight for full funding of school nurses

Diabetes. Severe allergies and risk of anaphylactic shock. Rare diseases. Gone are the days when school nurses handed out Tylenol and Band-Aids. Today’s school nurses monitor and care for kids with a wide range of serious medical conditions. And you can’t learn when you are ill.

District of Columbia Nurses Association

Marching for medicare for all

Giant steps – the next stage in the fight for Medicare for All

The long journey toward transforming our health care system to ensure that all our nation’s people get the care they need is entering its next major phase.

Zenei Cortez, RN

Memo to the politicians - cutting corporate taxes won't create jobs

To listen to the rhetoric that has stained so much of the 2010 campaign season, you'd think the biggest problems facing our nation are excessive government spending, workers' pensions, and inadequate tax breaks for corporations and wealthy Americans. But countering this conventional wisdom, seldom questioned by most of the press, is made much harder by the reticence of even many liberals to challenge these assumptions.

Ashley Forsberg, RN, Helps Haiti Earthquake Victims

Ashley Forsberg, RN, a medical/surgical nurse from Sparrow Hospital in Lansing, Michigan is brimming with emotion from her relief work in Haiti on the Navy ship USNS Comfort.

FTT: RX for a Sick Economy

By Rose Ann DeMoro - Amidst the scourge of inequality sweeping the world, marked by continued profits, pay-outs and record levels of cash hoarding -- the spoils of the 1% -- one group has come forward with a remedy, refusing to stand down. Nurses from four continents gathered at the G-20 Summit last week to tell world leaders that time is running out: revenue is needed now and the starting point is a global finance tax.

Huffington Post Blog

Standing Room Only Crowd Greets San Diego Opening of Medicare for All Tour, Next Stop Santa Ana

San Diego – Take heart, America. After an historic day of action in the worldwide launch of the Robin Hood Tax campaign, the nurses of National Nurses United kicked off the California statewide bus tour for Medicare For All to a standing room only crowd in San Diego.

Donna Smith

A corrupted political system based, like healthcare, on ability to pay

Essential social goods – political participation and access to necessary health services - are allocated based on ability to pay. When that happens, it’s easy to see who wins and who loses. The gains go to the top and the rest of us have to fight for what we need.

NNU Blog by: Michael Lighty