
Submitted by oldAdministrator on

The shadowy figures trying to permanently steal our elections

I am a nurse and I know how wealth is valued over the health of my patients with today’s recreation of an aristocracy born of speculation and no sense of community values. Since 2000, business interests alone have poured an obscene $1.7 billion into California campaigns to sway candidate and initiative campaigns.

CNA Blog by DeAnn McEwen, RN

A Recommitment to the American Ideal That Labor Rights Are Human Rights

The makers of We Are Wisconsin—the critically acclaimed documentary about the 2011 Wisconsin Uprising and its aftermath—are sponsoring screenings of the film Monday in communities across the country as part of a National Day of Recommitment to labor rights.

John Nichols


Join nurses, community members, and other union members in one of the largest climate justice events in recent history on Saturday, August 3 where thousands of people will come together in a momentous West Coast mass action — We Can Stop Climate Chaos

California Nurses Association

RN Gift of Healing for the Holidays

That’s the hallmark of the National Nurses United's Registered Nurse Response Network, says Bonnie Castillo, RN, director of RNRN, "we’re here to stay." In the past week, RNRN marked more comings and goings. As volunteers from our third delegation started home, a fresh deployment, team four arrived. And the next team is already in formation, heading out in early January, 2014.

RNRN/National Nurses United

NURSE TALK RADIO: RN Bonnie Castillo

We talk with RN Bonnie Castillo about National Nurses United new campaign, “Insist On A Registered Nurse”. Listen like this information could save your life or the life of a loved one.

Nurse Talk Radio

"If the energy source requires a smoke stack, then it isn't clean."

During the UN Climate Change Summit, we’ve been meeting regularly with other activists from the Trade Unions for Energy Democracy, the International Transportation Union and the Peruvian Federation of Nurses.

Lara Norkus-Crampton, RN

The Robin Hood Tax Day of Action honoring MLK was a moment of solidarity in values

Across the country —from Palo Alto to El Paso, Maine to Miami—nurses and other activists rallied today in the late winter sun to lobby Congressional lawmakers for a tax on Wall Street’s riskiest transactions.

National Nurses United

America celebrates 50 years of Medicare: Parties, pies, and a rallying cry for change

On July 30, nurses, seniors, elected official, healthcare activists, and more—threw a huge cross-country, 25-city celebration of Medicare’s 50th birthday. Under the rallying cry “Protect! Improve! Expand!” (PIE), it’s no wonder birthday cake gave way to pie on this landmark day, where community fun mixed with moving testimony on Medicare’s role in making healthcare a human right.

National Nurses United

Emergency room sign

OSHA's New Severe Injury Reporting Requirement: One Year In

Last week, OSHA published a report on severe injuries reported in 2015. A new recordkeeping requirement went into effect January 1, 2015, requiring employers to report all work-related amputations and injuries requiring hospitalization to federal OSHA within 24 hours. This was in addition to the long-standing requirement to report all work-related fatalities to OSHA within 8 hours.

National Nurses United

We Need Your Help to Save the BRN!

Help us save the CA Board of Registered Nursing by making phone calls to the Democratic members of the Assembly Committee on Business and Professions telling them to vote NO on SB 1194.

California Nurses Association