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Tough Pill To Swallow. Why you should vote YES on Prop 61

New study sites price gouging trends by BIG PHARMA will continue. Director of Government Relations for California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, Don Nielsen, talks about California's Proposition 61.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

The Facts About Social Security. It works and it's NOT going bankrupt!

Social Security Works and a growing chorus of prominent voices in Congress and elsewhere are calling for the expansion of our Social Security system—people who know that Social Security will not “go broke” and does not add a penny to the national debt.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Update on SB 562 with Don Nielsen, Director of Government Relations for CNA

SB 562 needs you! Don Nielsen, Director of Government Relations for California Nurses Association joins Nurse Talk Radio for an update on SB 562 the Healthy California Act. There is still time to call your California Assembly Members and tell them to support the bill.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses at Capitol press conference

'As Puerto Rico Suffers, Where is our Government?' Nurses Join Congress Members to Urge Action on Healthcare Crisis

Nurses are duty bound to protect their patients. So when the Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN)  sent 50 volunteer nurses to Puerto Rico, we knew these brave, caring nurses would give their all to help Hurricane Maria victims.

Bonnie Castillo, RN

Michael Lighty, Director of Public Policy for California Nurses Association

A Conversation with Michael Lighty - A Labor-Based Movement For Medicare for All

Join us for this special edition podcast with Director of Public Policy for National Nurses United, Michael Lighty. In Michael’s article he notes, the labor movement exists to stop money from being the metric of value and power. Healthcare is exhibit A for money as the metric (see Elizabeth Rosenthal’s book, “American Sickness”).

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses march for climate change

Nurses Say Yes on I-1631, Building a Cleaner Future for Washington State

Registered nurses are very familiar with the negative health impacts of carbon pollution from fossil fuel burning.

National Nurses United

Global Nurses

Global Nurses United Press Clips

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United

Temple Hospital Gags Nurses, Endangering Patients: Please Help

Do you wish that your nurse had a gag order preventing her from speaking up on behalf of patients? Should RNs be fired for reporting on hospital safety errors? What about prosecuted for blowing the whistle on quack doctors or heartless healthcare corporations? Unfortunately this is exactly what too many hospitals are trying to do in our nation today. While the healthcare bill may have passed, there remain life and death patient safety and care issues that we as a nation need to address.

Nurses Open Letter to Wisconsinites – Carry on!

Peaceful protests are important tools to protect our patients, our community, and our democracy. The fight in Wisconsin continues to be an on-going an inspiration to the entire nation. As a registered nurse for 37 years, I have been part of a proud tradition of protest as well. My number one priority, as it is for all nurses, is to advocate for my patients.

Governor Brown thanks the nurses

"I want to thank you, each one of you, for all the help you gave in the great campaign to make sure that the queen was not crowned, but was exiled, hopefully for a long time," Brown said.
