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Temple Tells Nurses: Constitution Doesn't Apply to You

A strike by 1500 nurses, healthcare professional and technical employees at Temple University Hospital represented by the Pennsylvania of Association of Staff Nurses and Allied Professionals began this morning at 7:00 a.m. with a picket line that eventually grew to over 1200 for a noon-time rally.

Nurses: Failure is Not Possible

Ashley Forsberg, a Michigan RN, held the microphone Monday to share a quote she saw during a recent visit to the Sewall-Belmont House and Museum, the historic Washington, D.C. headquarters of the National Woman’s Party. “Failure is not possible,” she recited.

National Nurses Movement

I am what stands between you and disaster

An anonymous nurse responds to recent media attacks blaming union nurses for a tragic death at Sutter/Alta Bates-Summit during the five day lockout that followed their one-day strike.


Everybody likes Robin Hood, right?

Well, almost everybody – weeks after granting NNU a permit for a march to and rally at Daley Plaza, the city of Chicago now wants to change our march route and move the rally from Daley Plaza to Petrillo band shell at Butler Field. Either NNU agrees, or else.

NNU Blog

Menorah Medical Center Contract Win

Nurses in Overland Park, Kansas, were savoring a win this weekend, as they reached agreement with HCA-affiliated Menorah Medical Center. Ratification of the new contract is expected this week in a deal that covers the facility’s 325 RNs. All are members of National Nurses Organizing Committee and National Nurses United (NNU).

NNU Blog

A small sales tax on Wall Street reaps big rewards

One has to wonder if Paul Schott Stevens’ “Don’t enact financial transaction taxes,” December 20, 2012, is more about protecting the turf of billion dollar Wall Street banks and enormous investment firms, including their lucrative mutual fund businesses, than protecting the average people who invest and save.

Health GAP

Time for a Sales Tax on Wall Street Financial Transactions

The reckless actions of Wall Street institutions led to the collapse of the the U.S. economy and the deep recession of 2008-09. The Wall Street firms looted and gambled trillions in worker pensions and mutual fund savings. The Wall Street traders made billions of dollars in speculative money -- bets on bets -- holding hostage the real economy where money is made by providing goods and services. And the actions of Wall Street resulted in the loss of more than 8 million jobs.

By Ralph Nader

HAITI UPDATE: RNRN Supports local volunteers and organizations in Haiti

In our continued commitment to the people of Haiti, RNRN supported volunteer work by local Habitat for Humanity volunteers, and also donated supplies to support the work of Hope House Haiti with children and families decimated by the 2010 earthquake and ongoing economic challenges.


Sen. Sanders Senate Hearing on Health Care: Should we consider joining the rest of the world?

Senator Bernie Sanders-VT held the hearing, “Access and Cost: What the US Health Care System Can Learn from Other Countries” on March 11, 2014. Experts testified on single-payer health care systems in Taiwan, Denmark, Canada and France in the U.S. Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee’s Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging.

Sen. Bernie Sanders

Nurses and Union Activists Throughout California Celebrate Labor Day

Nurses joined union activists throughout California for Labor Day activities on Monday.

California Nurses Association