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Enloe Medical Center RN's Vote Strongly in Favor of New Contract

CHICO—Registered nurses at Enloe Medical Center in Chico have overwhelmingly approved a new three year contract covering 860 RNs affiliated with the California Nurses Association.

California Nurses Association

Urgent Message about Fast Track. NNU Political Director Ken Zinn

After Congress voted to pass Fast Track now it goes back to the Senate. ACT NOW to stop Fast Track from passing! Call your Senators!

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

A quick look at The Women's Global Health Leadership Certificate Program

A quick look at the Women's Global Health Leadership Certificate Program with recent course graduate RN Jana Sui and NNU Education Director Michelle Grisat.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Protect VA Patients and Nurses: Support S. 1257 and H.R. 2193

Certain Veterans Affairs (VA) professionals gained the right to bargain collectively in 1991. However, over the last several years, the interpretation of the statute’s exemptions to collective bargaining has broadened considerably, leaving workers with few meaningful collective bargaining rights.

National Nurses United

Attacking the Medics of Standing Rock Violates Basic Laws of Humanity

Nurses know the results of violence because we have, with our own hands, helped to mend wounds, to save lives, to weave back together what has been broken. Where there is pain, you will always find healers. It is our calling. So it was with great horror this week that nurses watched the land and water protectors at Standing Rock — those who have peacefully resisted the Dakota Access pipeline project — be attacked by a militarized force of police and armed guards.

Bonnie Castillo, RN, Director of Health & Safety at NNU

Senator Bernie Sanders announces Medicare for All bill

We all know that the Affordable Care Act was a critically important step towards the goal of universal health care. But 29 million Americans today still do not have health insurance, and millions more are underinsured because health insurance companies are making our health care unaffordable and inaccessible.

Jeff Weaver, President of Our Revolution

Liberals Strike Back... Against Single Payer

In the name of political reality, some liberal pundits, politicians and policy wonks are scolding progressives to give up on Medicare for All. There are many ways to achieve "universal coverage," we're told.

Michael Lighty, Writing for Common Dreams

Deborah Burger, Co-President of National

Encore of RN and NNU Co-President Deborah Burger's "State of the Nurses Union"

This week we share one of the most critical Nurse Talk Radio interviews of 2017---The State Of The Union with RN and Co-President of National Nurses United, Deborah Burger.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

District of Columbia Nurses Association Logo

DCNA nurses fight for full funding of school nurses

Diabetes. Severe allergies and risk of anaphylactic shock. Rare diseases. Gone are the days when school nurses handed out Tylenol and Band-Aids. Today’s school nurses monitor and care for kids with a wide range of serious medical conditions. And you can’t learn when you are ill.

District of Columbia Nurses Association

Marching for medicare for all

Giant steps – the next stage in the fight for Medicare for All

The long journey toward transforming our health care system to ensure that all our nation’s people get the care they need is entering its next major phase.

Zenei Cortez, RN