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Hopkins RNs Unite!

As Johns Hopkins Hospital keeps up union busting the National Labor Relations Board steps in.

Last month we shared the story of RN’s from Johns Hopkins Hospital declaring their intent to organize a union with National Nurses United, the nation’s largest organization of Registered Nurses.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Nurses hold signs "Racism is a Public Health Crisis"

What Algorithms Tell Us About Structural Racism in Health Care

A research study on a commercial computer program used to allocate health care resources on predicted future health care costs provided a window on the ongoing pervasive impact of structural racism in our nation’s health care system.

Bonnie Castillo, Executive Director of National Nurses United

Report blows holes in Whitman's anti-worker rhetoric

Weren't seven years of Arnold Schwarzenegger's dysfunctional tenure in California enough? Schwarzenegger rode into the governor’s office riding the wind not just of his Hollywood fame, but on the bluster that he was an outsider, not just another career politician, that his vast personal wealth made him impervious to "special interests" such as unions (exempting big corporations which always have his help), and that he would fix state government by blowing it up.

Stories from Main Street

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro recently called on RNs nationwide to share stories about how the economic crisis is impacting their lives at home, and in their hospitals and communities. Their heartfelt responses were deeply moving, some of which can be read in this blog. To protect their anonymity, names have been removed. Additional stories are coming soon.


CNA members: Nurses protect patients

Genel Morgan, RN and Rita LaBarge, RN - To suggest that nurses who fight to provide safe care every minute of every day are using the death of one of our patients for our own gain is genuinely disturbing. One only has to view the video of the candlelight vigil held honoring Judith Ming to recognize palpable grief in all of our faces as we honored the life of a patient caught in the crosshairs of a system gone awry.

San Francisco Chronicle OpEd


More than 6,000 nurses and activists gathered at Daley Plaza in Chicago Friday to rock out with musician Tom Morello and call for a tax on financial speculation — a Robin Hood tax. This small sales tax on Wall Street trades could raise up to $350 billion a year in the U.S., money that American communities desperately need.

The Robin Hood Campaign – A Movement, and Now Legislation Too

For many months, nurses, healthcare, environmental, labor, consumer, faith-based and other community activists have rallied on Wall Street, at banks and legislative offices, and outside the White House and Treasury Department, saying it is time to tax Wall Street to help revive our economy and nation.Robin Tax campaigners rally in New York City on September 17, 2012.

Blog Commentary by NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro

NNU Executive Director, RoseAnn DeMoro to speak on health and poverty televised panel in DC

Be sure to watch RoseAnn DeMoro, National Nurses United’s executive director, talk Thursday about how bedside nurses are witnessing the devastating harm the economy has on patients and their communities.

NNU Blog

HR 1579 -- The New Bill to Rebuild the Nation With a Tax on Wall Street

Calling the legislation "remarkable" and "bold," Rep. Barbara Lee told the press conference that HR 1579 would address "out-of-control tactics" on Wall Street and would "lead to critical investments for our future -- in health and development assistance."

National Nurses United

Heroic Fight by Sutter Nurses Shows That Workers Can Fight and Win

In a political and economic climate so heavily influenced by Wall Street, corporate CEOs, and extremists like those who shut down the government in an effort to block even the modest reforms of the Affordable Care Act, it's sometimes hard to remember that it is still possible for nurses and working people to fight and win. Well, thank goodness for the 3,000 RNs, and a few hundred techs, who work at Sutter hospitals and facilities in Northern California. They have just delivered an emphatic message to nurses and other workers everywhere. Stand up for yourselves, stand up for the public interest and the public will be with you and you can prevail.

Executive Director of CNA and NNU, Rose Ann DeMoro