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Typhoon Disaster in the Philippines - What RNs Can Do to Help!

Sign Up, Donate Now to Help Our Response to Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. Super Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda has left a path of devastation in the Philippines. Communication channels are not yet re-established to many areas, but current reports indicate as many as 10,000 deaths, with fears of many more casualties yet to be assessed. Several hospitals, along with thousands of homes and schools have been damaged or destroyed, and hundreds of thousands left homeless – many with long term shelter needs.

RN Response Network

This is a hospital, not Disneyland

How nursing scripts and patient satisfaction surveys project a fantasy of care, not real care. “Hello, Mr. Smith. My name is Joanne. I am your nurse. Are you experiencing any pain today? No? That’s good. Do you need help getting to the bathroom?” (check script) “Can I fluff your pillow, bring you a magazine, turn on your TV, move your water bottle closer?” (check script) “I am so happy to be of service, this is all part of the excellent care we provide here at Happy Homes Medical Center and Resort.”

National Nurse Magazine

Nurse Talk Recaps NNU Ebola Rally & National Day Of Action

Features highlights from Executive Director of NNU, Rose Ann DeMoro’s Rally Speech

National Nurses United

Sutter’s Fine - What Else Are They Hiding at Alta Bates?

More than a dozen nurses from Sutter corporation’s Alta Bates Summit Medical Center gathered outside the facility’s Oakland hospital Wednesday afternoon to alert the public to ongoing safety problems at the hospital – even after it was slapped with a maximum fine by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA).

California Nurses Association

A Historic Night to Remember at Kaiser's Los Angeles Medical Center

It was past midnight Thursday night ebbing into Friday morning when CNA/NNU Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro announced the report of the final numbers from the vote count at Kaiser Permanente’s flagship Southern California hospital.

California Nurses Association

RN DeAnn McEwen talks about the Zika Virus

What you need to know about the Zika Virus. RN and Nurse Practice Safety Specialist for National Nurses United, De Ann McEwen talks about the Zika Virus.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

What Employers Should Do to Protect Nurses from ZIKA

In the wake of new cases of ZIKA being reported in the U.S. and other countries, National Nurses United issues guidelines to employers on how to protect nurses from ZIKA transmission.

Pattie Lockard, Nurse Talk Radio

Healthcare Workers have Highest Rates of Asthma, according to CDC

According to a new Centers for Disease Control study, the healthcare and social assistance industry has the highest percentage of workers with asthma — 10.7% of workers in this industry reported having asthma.

Bonnie Castillo, NNU Director of Health & Safety

Over 1000 Supporters Converge on Capital to Rally and March for SB 562 the Healthy California Act

Registered nurses and other healthcare advocates are celebrating the California Senate Health Committee's passage this week of SB 562, the Healthy California Act, would establish an improved Medicare for all type system in California.

National Nurses United

Outrageous Assault on Utah Nurse Outlines Need for National Workplace Violence Prevention Standard

Last week, the nation was shocked to see video of University of Utah registered nurse Alex Wubbles being assaulted and arrested, in a July incident, for protecting her unconscious patient by refusing to allow police to take a blood sample.

Bonnie Castillo, Director of Health and Safety, National Nurses United