Help us Defeat Senate Bill 1195

URGENT—The Bill Will Be Voted On Tomorrow - Call And Email Your Senator Today!
Help Save The BRN
Help us Defeat SB 1195, (authored by Sen. Jerry Hill)
The bill unfortunately will go to the Senate floor TOMORROW, June 2nd. It is more urgent than ever that you call and email your state senator TODAY and tell her/him that you want her/him to OPPOSE THIS DANGEROUS BILL.
Help us save the CA Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) by doing the following:
- Make phone calls and send emails TODAY to tell Senators to oppose this bill and not to approve this!
Remember at our RN Lobby Day on May 11th, we told you about our opposition to SB 1195 (Hill)—a bill that threatens the very existence of the BRN—and that we might need you to come back and help us lobby against this? Hill’s bill is unfortunately moving forward and we need you to help!
Talking Points:
The two major problems with this legislation are: First, it would prohibit a registered nurse from serving as executive officer of the BRN and transfer decision-making power away from the board members-who are chosen specifically for their knowledge and expertise. Second, it would take away all meaningful decision-making power from the BRN’s board members and give it to a single, solitary government bureaucrat with veto power over the BRN, who would be subject to enormous political pressure by forces that are constantly trying to eliminate hard-won successes like nurse-to-patient ratios and scope of RN practice, which protect patients.
SB 1195 would pose a major threat to patient protection if signed into law by prohibiting the executive officer of the BRN from being a registered nurse and severely restricting the ability of the BRN to take actions and institute regulations that protect the public. Our top priority as nurses is to protect patients and ensure their health and well-being. One of the most important tools for protecting patients in California is the Board of Registered Nursing. The BRN is responsible for enforcing the Nursing Practice Act, which protects our scope of practice and therefore our patients.
Beginning NOW we are asking you to call your Senator TODAY to oppose this dangerous bill. Please let us know when you’ve contacted your state senator.
To Call, Please Click Here to Find Your Senator:
To Email Your Senator Click Here: