Press releases

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RNs Blast Court Ruling – Pledge to Seek Legal, Other Actions To Defend Nurses’ Right to Advocate

University of California registered nurses, joined by leaders of their organization from across California and the nation today condemned the latest ruling by a San Francisco court to enjoin registered nurses from striking over a current contract re-opener as a dangerous infringement on democratic rights and an encouragement to hospital officials to continue to ignore pervasive safety problems in UC hospitals.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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Educators Voice Support for UC RNs Right to Strike

On the eve of a crucial court hearing on the right of University of California registered nurses to strike to patient safety, three prominent educators from the UC community today issued statements supporting that democratic principle.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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Critical Court Hearing Friday on RNs Right to Strike for Patient Safety

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today blasted the state agency that oversees public employee relations for its active collusion with University of California hospital officials in seeking to suppress the democratic rights of registered nurses, and charged the UC hospital system with employing unfair market competition with other corporate hospital chains in its attacks on UC RNs.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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National Nurse Protest in Support of Univ. of Calif. RNs’ Right to Strike for Patient Safety

Registered nurses from throughout California and the nation will join their University of California Medical Center colleagues Friday to protest UC’s attempt to silence nurses by blocking their right to strike for patient safety. In recent weeks, thousands of registered nurses across the country fighting for safe patient staffing have taken similar actions.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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RNs Blast Six Months of Inaction by California Health Dept. on Unsafe Care

Six months after registered nurses filed a complaint with the California Department of Public Health regarding sweeping and pervasive patient care problems at the University of California Davis Medical Center in Sacramento, state officials have yet to act, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United said today.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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Queen Meg Makes Major “Wealthcare Not Healthcare” Policy Proposal Before Hundreds of Nurses: Tue

Queen Meg of California will kick off her fall campaign this Tuesday by unveiling her “wealthcare not healthcare” policy proposal at an appearance before hundreds of nurses and other working Californians, who will be protesting outside the Goldman Sachs 31st Annual Global Conference on Healthcare in Century City Tuesday.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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National Nurses United Salutes the Minnesota Nurses - Association for Historic Patient Care Strike o

The 155,000 Registered Nurses of National Nurses United (NNU) today salute and honor their brave colleagues of the Minnesota Nurses Association (MNA) for their historic decision to stage a major strike in defense of the patient care and safety standards at their hospitals.

November 22, 2010

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Little Company of Mary San Pedro Hospital Unlawfully Locks out its Nurses

12,000 California RNs Continue to Push for Safe Staffing Around the State Today. Little Company of Mary San Pedro Hospital has unlawfully locked out is registered nurses for five days Thursday morning, despite the fact that its union, the California Nurses Association rescinded its one-day strike notice on Wednesday. The center of the dispute is safe nurse-to-patient staffing, which is critical to both patient safety and retention of experienced RNs and recruitment of new nurses.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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Univ. of Calif. Medical Center RNs Continue to Push for Safe Staffing with Rallies Around the State

Registered nurses at University of California medical centers today blasted university administration for attacking the right of nurses to strike to correct on-going staffing problems at UC by obtaining a court restraining order barring a walkout planned for Thursday, and said they will continue to take whatever steps necessary to resolve the serious staffing problems at the hospitals. The nurses, who are represented by the California Nurses Association, will hold rallies at UC medical centers Thursday to press their on-going case for safe staffing.

Press Release
November 22, 2010

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University of California RNs Head to Court to Defend Right to Strike for Safer Patient Staffing, Jun

University of California registered nurses will be in court Tuesday to defend their democratic right to strike over their concerns about eroding patient care conditions in UC medical centers. A hearing is scheduled Tuesday at 11 a.m. in San Francisco Superior Court, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, on efforts by the UC administration and the Gov. Schwarzenegger-dominated Public Employee Relations Board to block the right of nurses to strike.

Press Release
November 22, 2010