Press releases

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Arbitrator Orders Washington Hospital Center To Reinstate Veteran Nurse Fired During Blizzard

The union that represents 1,600 registered nurses at Washington Hospital Center today celebrated an arbitrator’s decision that reversed a decision last February to fire one of the 18 registered nurses who were unable to get to work at the peak of crippling snow storms that paralyzed the capital region.

Press Release
December 22, 2010

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Nurses Welcome News of Help for 9/11 Responders

News of an agreement in the Senate to provide some help for first responders, volunteers, and others adversely affected by the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 was welcomed today by the nation’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses.

Press Release
December 22, 2010

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Nurses Join Call to Congress to Reject Faulty Deal To Further Enrich Wealthiest Americans

President Obama’s flawed compromise agreement with Republican leaders to extend Bush-era tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires should be rejected by Congress, said National Nurses United, the nation’s largest professional association and union of nurses, today.

Press Release
December 8, 2010

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Nurses’ Statement on Debt Panel Report: Fix Economy and Cut Deficit with Jobs, Healthcare for All

Following the adjournment of the President’s Deficit Commission, National Nurses United, the nation’s largest professional nurses’ union, called on Congress to fully scrap the deeply flawed recommendations of the panel’s co-chairs, and move forward with the urgent actions that will protect America’s nurses and working families.

Press Release
December 3, 2010

Largo Medical Center Latest Florida RNs to Join NNOC-Florida

National Nurses Organizing Committee-Florida is adding more Florida RNs to its rapidly growing family. Registered nurses at two campuses of Largo Medical Center in Largo, Fla. voted Thursday night to join with their colleagues from four other Florida hospitals who have opted to affiliate with the nation’s largest union and professional association of nurses.

Press Release
December 3, 2010

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St. Mary-Corwin Pledges to Cease Illegal Acts Against Nurses, RNs Call for Fair Elections

Facing a federal trial over illegal harassment and coercion of its registered nurses, St. Mary Corwin Medical Center has reached an agreement with the federal agency that oversees labor relations to cease and desist illegal harassment and coercion of its registered nurses who favor union representation.

Press Release
December 2, 2010

Fourth Florida Hospital RNs Join NNOC-Florida for Union Voice

Registered nurses at another Florida hospital have joined the growing movement of Florida nurses to affiliate with the nation’s largest union and professional association of RNs.

Press Release
December 2, 2010

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Nurses Blast ‘Final’ Debt Panel Report, Call on Washington to Protect Retirement Security

The revised, final report by the president’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility is an “unwarranted, outrageous attack on the health, safety, and retirement security of millions of nurses and tens of millions of other working people and should be immediately rejected by the Obama administration and Congress,” said the nation’s largest union and professional association of registered nurses today.

Press Release
December 1, 2010

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Nation's Largest RN Union Criticizes President's Pay Freeze For Veterans Affairs Nurses

The nation's largest union and professional association of registered nurses today condemned the decision by President Obama mandating a two-year wage freeze for Veterans Affairs nurses along with other federal employees.

Press Release
November 29, 2010

More Florida RNs Vote to Join NNOC-Florida/National Nurses United

Registered nurses at Community Hospital in New Port Richey, Fla. Tuesday night became the latest Florida nurses to cast their votes for affiliation with National Nurses Organizing Committee-Florida.

Press Release
November 24, 2010