Press releases

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Whitman Renews Attack on Nurses as Thousands Head To Honor Suffrage Anniversary March

On the eve of a major gathering of thousands of registered nurses, joined by women's, labor, and community members in Sacramento Thursday, August 26, California Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman Tuesday night renewed her attack on registered nurses' collective voice, workplace protections, and retirement security.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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Elizabeth Cady-Stanton Descendant to Join RNs and Cast of Thousands in Sacramento Suffrage Anniversa

The great, great, great granddaughter of legendary suffragist and women’s rights activist Elizabeth Cady-Stanton will join thousands of registered nurses and other women’s, labor, and community groups in Sacramento, August 26, in the nation’s largest event marking the 90th anniversary of enactment of the 19th Amendment – which finally achieved Stanton’s dream of securing the right to vote for women.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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RNs, Filipino Community Groups Charge Sutter Health/California Pacific with Hiring Ban on Filipinos

One of San Francisco’s biggest hospitals, Sutter Health’s California Pacific Medical Center, is engaged in systematic discrimination against the hiring of Filipino registered nurses, the California Nurses Association, joined by Filipino community and church groups and leaders, charged Thursday. The groups are calling for an investigation by the San Francisco Human Rights Commission.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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New Hospital Industry Bid to Duck Earthquake Safety Deadlines Threatens to Put More Patients At Risk

Two of California’s most profitable hospitals are seeking further delays in meeting state requirements to ensure that their buildings will not collapse in an earthquake.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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Children's Hospital Oakland RNs to Rally Wednesday, Protest Management Plans to Slash Healthcare Ben

Registered nurses from Children's Hospital Oakland, joined by other hospital employees, will rally outside the facility Wednesday, Aug. 18 to protest management efforts to sharply reduce current healthcare coverage for nurses and their families. Children's has signaled that they also intend to demand cuts in health benefits for other hospital workers as well.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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Bill to Restore Rights for Veterans Affairs RNs Advances

The Senate Veterans Affairs Committee today approved legislation that would restore some essential rights for registered nurses who work at Department of Veterans Affairs facilities. The committee passed the bill on a 10-6 vote. S 3486, introduced by Sen. Sherrod Brown on behalf of the 155,000-member National Nurses United, would expand collective bargaining rights for VA nurses on compensation issues, as other VA clinicians and nurses who work for other federal agencies including the Defense Department, have now.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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California Women Join California Nurses to Celebrate 90th Anniversary of Women’s Right to Vote

Thousands of registered nurses expected to be joined by other Californians from community-based and labor organizations will converge in Sacramento, Calif. on Aug. 26, to mark the 90th anniversary of women securing the right to vote. Women will march, many in period costume, from the Sacramento Convention Center to the west steps of the state Capitol.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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National RN Relief Group Teams Up With Navy for Medical Mission to Haiti

The first team of registered nurse volunteers from California, Michigan, and Washington State will depart for Haiti Wednesday morning with the Department of Defense’s Continuing Promise, National Nurses United (NNU), the nation’s largest organization of registered nurses, announced today. The volunteer RN team will be treating patients in Haiti and Colombia during their month long deployment.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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St. John’s Health Center Management Found GUILTY

Judge rules hospital engaged in illegal union-busting—RNs rally to demand fair election THURSDAY. Just days after an administrative law judge found management of St. John’s Medical Center committed six different violations of federal labor law in their attempts to deter RNs from joining the California Nurses Association, those same RNs will rally outside the hospital and march into the office of the CEO to demand a fair election.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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California Nurses Respond to Whitman Attack Campaign: Friday, 11:00 a.m

Registered nurses representing the California Nurses Association will come from across the state this Friday, June 25 to host a press conference to express their outrage over the attack campaign being run against them by Meg Whitman, and their resolve to overcome it. The nurses will extend an invitation to Whitman to attend and hear from nurses at a major forum scheduled for July 15th on the issues of nurse rights, worker rights, and healthcare.

Press Release
November 23, 2010