Press releases

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One-Day Strike by Watsonville RNs Tuesday Nurses Cite Hospital's Refusal to Fix Poor Staffing

Watsonville Community Hospital registered nurses will begin a one-day strike tomorrow morning, Tuesday, October 26 to protest serious staffing problems that the one-time community hospital, now part of a mega corporate hospital chain, refuses to address, they say.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

RNs Rally to Protest Rick Scott in Orlando Saturday

Registered nurses, joined by community and labor allies, will rally in Orlando Saturday to oppose the candidacy of gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott, citing his history and policies as contrary to the values of nurses and the interests of patients.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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The Queen Meg Farewell Tour: "Lies, Hypocrisy, & Pink Slips”

A grand coalition of California's leading women's, feminist, and workers' organizations will close out the 2010 campaign with a statewide bus tour highlighting candidate Meg Whitman's lies to the public and her Wall Street values. The California Nurses Association will be joined on the tour by many of the state's leading organizations of women, and by the local working families and working women who would be harmed by Whitman's election.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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As Hundreds of CHO Nurses Strike for Healthcare, Leading Alameda Politicians, Community Allies Join

One day after 780 registered nurses launched a three-day strike against Children’s Hospital Oakland’s attempts to slash their healthcare benefits, hundreds of RNs will rally outside the hospital and be joined by a broad committee of political and community allies this Wednesday, Oct. 13. The allies will include Assemblymembers Nancy Skinner and Sandre Swanson, leading contenders for other offices including mayor of Oakland, nurses from around the Bay Area, and a parade of patients and healthcare activists.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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800 Children’s Hospital Oakland Nurses to Walk the Picket Line as Strike Begins Oct. 12

800 registered nurses from Children’s Hospital Oakland (CHO) will hit the picket line Tuesday, Oct. 12 at 7 a.m. to launch a three-day strike over management’s efforts to slash the healthcare benefits that nurses receive, the California Nurses Association (CNA) announced today. The nurses have been working without a contract since July 13.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

Washington Hospital Center RNs Join Nation’s Largest Nurses’ Union

Registered nurses in Washington D.C.’s largest hospital, Washington Hospital Center, have voted to join National Nurses United, the nation’s largest union and professional association of RNs. Nearly 1,600 WHC nurses, who have been in the independent organization Nurses United of the National Capital Region will now be a part of NNU.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

Kansas City RNs Vote to Join Nation’s Largest RN Union

Registered nurses at Research Medical Center in Kansas City Tuesday night voted by nearly two-thirds to join the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Missouri, an affiliate of the National Nurses United, the U.S.’ largest union and professional association of RNs.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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Children’s Hospital Oakland RNs Authorize Strike, Cite Management Demands to Slash Healthcare Bene

Registered nurses from Children’s Hospital Oakland, voted overwhelmingly this week to authorize their nurse negotiators to call a three-day strike if necessary to protest ongoing management efforts to sharply reduce healthcare coverage for nurses and their families. No date has been set for a strike, and additional contract talks are scheduled over the next two weeks.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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Queen Meg & Princess Carly Prepare to Celebrate Labor Day Events Throughout the State

Just days after leading thousands of people in a Sacramento march celebrating women’s right to vote, and decrying those politicians who dishonor it, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today announces that Labor Day festivities across the state will feature both Queen Meg and Princess Carly, the two satirical figures lampooning the Republican nominees for governor and senator.

Press Release
November 23, 2010

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Princess Carly Prepares for Debate Debut Wednesday, Queen Meg to Tour State’s Labor Day Celebratio

Just days after leading thousands of people in a Sacramento march celebrating women's right to vote, and decrying those politicians who dishonor it, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today announces the general election campaign debuts of Queen Meg and Princess Carly, two satirical figures lampooning the Republican nominees for governor and senator.

Press Release\
November 23, 2010