Maine press releases

Submitted by ADonahue on
Calais nurses

Nurses and Caregivers at Calais Regional Hospital Vote Overwhelmingly to Authorize a Strike

After one year of contract negotiations, the unionized caregivers at Calais Regional Hospital (CRH) in Calais, Maine have authorized a strike for the first time ...

National Nurses United/MSNA/NNOC
September 6, 2019

MSNA nurses holding signs for safe staffing

Nurses to Hold Rally for a Fair Contract at Down East Community Hospital

Registered nurses and hospital technicians at Down East Community Hospital (DECH) in Machias, Maine will hold a rally for a fair contract on July 18, to protest hospital mismanagement that makes it difficult...

Maine State Nurses Association / NNU
July 16, 2019

Calais nurses

Nurses Picket Calais Regional Hospital to Highlight Hospital Mismanagement and Deteriorating Working Conditions

Nurses and Medical Laboratory Scientists (MLSs) held an informational picket this morning at Calais Regional Hospital (CRH) in Calais, Maine.

National Nurses Organizing Committee
June 17, 2019

Nurses picketing

Nurses to Hold Informational Picket at Calais Regional Hospital

Registered nurses and medical laboratory scientists at Calais Regional Hospital in Calais, Maine, will hold an informational picket on June 17, to protest hospital mismanagement and cuts to compensation that make it difficult to retain experienced staff to provide optimal patient care.

National Nurses Organizing Committee
June 14, 2019

Nurses Demanding Safe Patient Care

Calais Regional Hospital Employees, Community to Hold Vigil for Patient Safety Thurs. May 23

Calais Regional Hospital (CRH) employees will join community members for a “Vigil for Patient Safety” at Triangle Park in downtown Calais Thursday evening, May 23—to draw attention to patient care conditions and employee treatment at CRH, the Maine State Nurses Association announced today.

National Nurses United / MSNA
May 22, 2019

Patients Are My Special Interest

Nurses at Eastern Maine Medical Center Ratify MSNA Union Contract

In a decisive vote Friday night, registered nurses at Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC) ratified the “tentative agreement” that they reached with the hospital just one week ago. The contract agreement is effective immediately.

MSNA - Maine State Nurses Association
September 22, 2018

Strong Unions Protect Our Patients

Eastern Maine Medical Center Nurses Reach Landmark Tentative Contract Agreement

Registered nurses at Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC) have reached a tentative three-year contract agreement with the hospital, featuring breakthrough staffing language, the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNOC/NNU) announced today.

Maine State Nurses Association
September 17, 2018

Nurse at vigil

Eastern Maine Medical Center Nurses Held Vigil Over Safe Staffing Concerns In Bangor

Registered nurses with the Eastern Maine Medical Center (EMMC) held a candlelight vigil Thursday evening to shine a light on a critical safe staffing concern at the medical facility in Bangor, Main

Maine State Nurses Association/NNOC
August 28, 2018

Calais Regional Hospital

Maine Nurses Applaud Calais Regional Hospital’s Decision to End Management Agreement With Quorum Health Resources

Registered nurses applaud Monday’s announcement by Calais Regional Hospital’s (CRH) CEO Rod Boula that Quorum Health Resources will no longer provide management services to CRH, t

Maine State Nurses Association/NNOC
June 5, 2018

MSNA Picket

Maine State Nurses Association Plans Rally and Picket at Hospice of Southern Maine in Scarborough Friday May 11

The Maine State Nurses Association (MSNA) will hold a rally and informational picket at Hospice of Southern Maine (HSM) in Scarborough, Friday May 11, to protest HSM management’s refusal to negotiate in good faith a first contract with healthcare workers.

Maine State Nurses Association
May 11, 2018