Maine press releases

Submitted by ADonahue on
Group of nurses outside holding huge petition with signatures

NMMC nurses and Fort Kent community members demand reinstatement of unjustly fired coworker

Registered nurses at the newly unionized Northern Maine Medical Center in Fort Kent, Maine, were joined by members of the local community as they marched on management to demand the reinstatement of their co-worker Tiffani Daigle, RN.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
February 7, 2024

Large group of nurses outside in snow, holding banner "Safe Staffing Saves Lives" and other signs calling for improvements in the workplace.

Machias nurses and technicians at Down East Community Hospital to hold rallies for patient safety

Union nurses and technicians at Down East Community Hospital in Machias, Maine, will hold rallies on Friday, Jan. 26 and on Saturday, Jan. 27 to demand management address patient safety, chronic short staffing, and staff retention.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
January 25, 2024

Large group of nurses standing outside hospital cheering with raised fists

Registered nurses at Northern Maine Medical Center vote overwhelmingly to join MSNA/NNOC

Nurses at the 40-bed facility say they voted to join their new union because it is critical that nurses have a say in decisions about patient care and about recruitment and retention of nurses, which leads to improved patient care.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
January 17, 2024

Maine nurses taking action for safe staffing, holding banner that reads "Bedside nurses support ratios!"

Maine nurses to hold community forum on nurse staffing crisis and public health

Members of the Maine State Nurses Association will hold a community forum on Tuesday, December 5, on the current nurse staffing crisis and what can be done about it. The forum is co-sponsored by the Muskie School of Public Service, the Maine Women’s Lobby, and Maine People’s Alliance.

Maine State Nurses Association, National Nurses Organizing Committee
December 1, 2023

arge group of nurses in front of camera holding signs "Protect Patients, Trust Nurses"

Portland nurses and clinicians demand removal of management team to protect patients

Registered nurses and clinicians who work for MaineHealth Care at Home (MHCAH) in Portland, Maine, held a rally and speak-out today to demand the removal of the management team at the home health services agency.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
July 14, 2023

Four nurses with raisded fists hold signs in support of safe staffing ratios

Northern Light AR Gould nurses ratify new contract with strong measures to improve patient safety, RN retention

Registered nurses at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital in Presque Isle, Maine, voted overwhelmingly in favor of ratifying a new four-year contract, winning protections to improve patient safety and nurse retention.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
July 7, 2023

Group of smiling nurses holding signs "Bedside Nurses Support Ratios"

Nurses’ safe staffing bill is voted “ought to pass” out of Labor and Housing Committee

The Joint Standing Committee on Labor and Housing of the Maine State Legislature voted to support LD 1639, the Maine Quality Care Act. If passed by the full state legislature, the bill will set enforceable nurse-to-patient ratios in Maine’s hospitals.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
May 24, 2023

Large group of nurses with raised fists, holding banner "Bedside Nurses Support Ratios"

Nurses rally and testify at Maine state capital for enforceable nurse-to-patient ratios

Registered nurse members of the Maine State Nurses Association held a rally in Augusta, Maine, and testified at a hearing before the state legislature’s Labor and Housing Committee in support of the Maine Quality Care Act, a bill that would create legally enforceable nurse-to-patient ratios.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
May 4, 2023

Three nurses inside hold signs "Staff Up for Safe Care"

AR Gould nurses deliver May Day basket on International Workers’ Day to demand improved staffing for patient safety

Union nurses at Northern Light AR Gould Hospital delivered a May Day basket today to AR Gould CEO Greg LaFrancois to demand movement at the bargaining table on issues involving safe staffing and staff retention in order to deliver patients the care our community deserves.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
May 1, 2023

Group of nurses outside hospital wearing MSNA hats

Nurses at Maine Med win back paid leave

After a two-month campaign, the unionized nurses at Maine Medical Center have won back the paid leave benefits that the hospital abruptly ended last December.

Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
February 22, 2023