Maine press releases

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Nurses, Community Members To Hold Town Hall Aug 30 On Calais Hospital Proposal to Shut Down OB Dept

Members of the Maine State Nurses Association (MSNA) Local Unit 116 and the Calais community are holding a town hall-style meeting on Wednesday evening, August 30 at the Wabanaki Cultural Center and Museum in Calais, Maine.

Maine State Nurses Association
August 24, 2017

Millinocket Regional Hospital Nurses Vote Overwhelmingly to Authorize One-Day Strike

Registered nurses at Millinocket Regional Hospital (MRH) have voted by an overwhelming majority to authorize their nurse bargaining team to call a one-day strike, should hospital management continue refusing to address nurses’ ongoing patient safety concerns—including a variety of safe staffing issues—and attempting to silence nurses.

Maine State Nurses' Association
August 9, 2017

Millinocket Nurses Hold Rally Monday, July 31 to Highlight Patient Care, Nurse Retaliation Issues

Registered nurses at Millinocket Regional Hospital (MRH) will hold an informational picket on Monday, July 31 to protest the hospital administration’s continued refusal to address ongoing patient safety concerns—including a variety of safe staffing issues—and their heavy-handed attempts to silence nurses.

Maine State Nurses Association
July 28, 2017

Millinocket Regional Hospital Nurses Hold Rally to Highlight Patient Care, Nurse Retaliation Issues

Registered nurses at Millinocket Regional Hospital (MRH) will hold an informational picket on Monday, July 31 to protest the hospital administration’s continued refusal to address ongoing patient safety concerns—including a variety of safe staffing issues—and their heavy-handed attempts to silence nurses.

Maine State Nurses Association
July 21, 2017

Maine State Nurses Association opposes closure of Calais Regional Hospital's Obstetrics Unit

Registered Nurses strongly oppose the recently announced closure of Calais Regional Hospital (CRH)’s Obstetrics department—a move which nurses say will leave patients without labor and delivery services in Calais and surrounding communities, Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNOC/NNU) announced today.

Maine State Nurses Association
May 23, 2017

Millinocket Regional Hospital Nurses Hold Vigil for Patient Safety

Registered nurses, supporters, and community members will hold a vigil for patient safety this Friday at Millinocket Regional Hospital (MRH)—focusing on safe staffing—the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNOC/NNU), announced today.

Maine State Nurses Association
May 22, 2017

Hospice of Southern Maine RNs and Healthcare Workers Vote to Join Maine State Nurses Association

In a nearly unanimous turnout, registered nurses and other healthcare workers at Hospice of Southern Maine in Scarborough, ME Wednesday voted 56 to 40 to join the Maine State Nurses Association, resisting an intense anti-union campaign by their employer.

Maine State Nurses Association
May 11, 2017

Nurses Week Celebration Kicks Off with Health Fair and Rally to Support Medicare for All

The Health Care is a Human Right Campaign will kick off National Nurses Week with a health fair and rally in support of a Medicare for all type system in Maine, on Saturday, May 6th.

Maine State Nurses Association
May 5, 2017

Maine Nurses Support Bill to Restore Public Health Nursing

Maine nurses have come out in strong support of LD 1108, An Act to Restore Public Health Nursing Services (Sen. Brownie Carson)—which will have its first hearing on Thursday, April 13, the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNU) announced today.

Maine State Nurses Association
April 12, 2017

Maine Nurses, Allies Rally to Demand Senator Collins Attend a People’s Forum on Healthcare

On Saturday, February 18th, members of The Maine Health Care is a Human Right Coalition—led by the Maine State Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MSNA/NNU), the Southern Maine Workers’ Center, and Maine AllCare—will hold a rally and march calling on Senator Susan Collins to attend a healthcare forum where she will hear directly from constituents on the importance of universal, publicly funded healthcare for all.

Maine State Nurses Assoc.
February 17, 2017