Covid-19 press releases

Submitted by ADonahue on
El Paso, Texas

Nurses Urge Appeals Court to Deny Bid to Quash El Paso Judge Samaniego’s Covid-19 Safety Order

On behalf of its more than 2,000 registered nurses who work in El Paso County hospitals, National Nurses United late Wednesday urged the Eighth Court of Appeals to deny an effort by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to enjoin El Paso County's stay-at-home order to protect residents in the face of one of the worst surges of the Covid-19 pandemic in the U.S.

National Nurses United
November 12, 2020

Nurses hold signs "Save Lives"

Nurses Welcome Biden-Harris Covid-19 Plan ‘It Could Save Tens of Thousands of Lives’

National Nurses United today enthusiastically praised the Biden-Harris plan to beat Covid-19. This proposed plan is a huge step forward in confronting this deadly pandemic, which is based on science and public health that if implemented immediately could save countless lives, and has been proven effective in other countries.

National Nurses United
November 9, 2020

Nurses at UC Irvine Medical Center

UCI nurses rally to alert public to patient safety concerns during Covid-19 pandemic

Registered nurses at University of California Irvine Medical Center (UCI) will hold a rally on Tuesday, Nov. 10 to alert the public to their patient safety concerns as Orange County braces for winter.

California Nurses Association
November 6, 2020

Nurses holds sign "Protect Nurses"

UCLA nurses rally to demand guaranteed and timely access to Covid-19 testing and exposure notification to protect community and patients.

Registered nurses at UCLA will hold a rally Tuesday, Nov.

California Nurses Association
November 6, 2020

UC Davis Nurses

UC Davis Medical Center nurses rally to demand safe staffing and alert public to patient safety concerns during the Covid-19 pandemic

Registered nurses at UC Davis Medical Center (UCDMC) will hold a rally Tuesday, Nov. 10 to demand safe staffing and alert the public to patient safety concerns. Nurses say UCDMC management is failing to prioritize nurses and patient safety during this Covid-19 pandemic.

California Nurses Association
November 6, 2020

El Paso nurses outside hospital cal for safety measures

Nurses Condemn Texas Attorney General’s Threat on El Paso Covid-19 Safety Measures

National Nurses United (NNU) today called on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to withdraw his threats against El Paso County officials for implementing stronger community safety measures as El Paso reels from an explosive and escalating Covid-19 threat.

National Nurses United
October 30, 2020

Nurse outside The Hospitals of Providence

El Paso registered nurses at The Hospitals of Providence to hold action for optimal PPE

Registered nurses at The Hospitals of Providence (THOP) will hold an action on Saturday, Oct. 31 to share their concerns about the reuse of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the Covid-19 pandemic.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
October 30, 2020

Nures hold signs calling for safety measures outside Del Sol Medical Center

Nurses Call on El Paso Hospitals to Step Up Safety Measures as Virus Crisis Explodes

With the Covid-19 pandemic continuing to explode across El Paso, National Nurses United today called on all regional hospitals and other health facilities to escalate safety precautions to protect patients and health care workers to limit the spread of the deadly virus.

National Nurses United
October 29, 2020

Nurses stand in front of PIH Health Good Samaritan Hospital

PIH Health-Good Samaritan Hospital RNs hold actions to honor fallen nurses, call for improved patient safety

Registered nurses at PIH Health-Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles will hold a candlelight vigil and silent protest Thursday, Oct. 29 to honor fallen RNs and publicize their immediate needs to improve care for their patients: safe RN staffing, incentives to retain and recruit staff, adequate provision of PPE when needed, and better support for nurses who become symptomatic and/or test positive for Covid-19.

California Nurses Association
October 28, 2020

Nures protest outside the White House

National Nurses Condemn Statements by Trump, Meadows To Dismiss Covid-19 Deaths, Downplay Toll of Pandemic

National Nurses United (NNU) today sharply criticized what nurses called “desperate” statements by President Trump and his Chief of Staff Mark Meadows this weekend intended to deflect and dismiss public outrage of the mounting toll of the Covid-19 pandemic.

National Nurses United
October 25, 2020