Covid-19 press releases

Submitted by ADonahue on
Nurses holding signs along street "Protect Nurses, Patients, Public Health"

National RN survey highlights continued hospital failures to prioritize nurse and patient safety during pandemic

National Nurses United’s (NNU) new nationwide survey of more than 9,200 registered nurses reveals that a year into the pandemic, registered nurses are still being placed in harm's way. RNs face continued issues ranging from unsafe staffing levels to hospital administrators failing to observe basic infection control and prevention measures.

National Nurses United
March 10, 2021

Exhausted nurse sitting on the floor of a hallway with medical equipment.

Nurses Condemn Gov. Abbott’s Covid-19 Decision Lifting Safety Measures Now as "A Death Sentence"

National Nurses United today condemned the decision of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to remove public safety measures needed to reduce infections, hospitalizations, and deaths amidst a still-virulent pandemic, a decision nurses warn will cost the lives of Texas residents.

National Nurses United
March 3, 2021

3 masked nurses in hallway

Community First Medical Center nurses hold vigil to demand optimal Covid-19 protections after OSHA investigation

Registered nurses at Community First Medical Center will hold a vigil tomorrow at 8 a.m. to demand stronger health and safety protections for Covid-19 at the hospital in the wake of two nurse deaths and an investigation by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
February 23, 2021

Nurse holding sign "Science matters, we are not expendable!"

Nurses, Unions, Allies Urge CDC to Acknowledge Covid-19 Aerosol Transmission to Help Bring Virus Under Control

National Nurses United (NNU) and 44 allied unions and organizations, representing over 13 million members and their communities, are joining in coalition to urge the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to update its Covid-19 guidance to fully reflect the latest scientific evidence regarding SARS-CoV-2 transmission through aerosols that infected people emit when they breathe, speak, cough, sneeze, or sing.

National Nurses United
February 23, 2021

Southern California Hospital Culver City RN's outside hospital

Southern California Hospital at Culver City nurses demand safe staffing to save lives

Registered nurses at Southern California Hospital at Culver City will hold a socially distant action on Thursday, Feb. 18 to demand safe staffing.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
February 17, 2021

Nurse holds sign "Protect Essential Workers"

Nurses applaud introduction of Cortese’s bill to protect frontline nurses and other health care workers

In response to the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, California Nurses Association is pleased to cosponsor S.B. 213 (Cortese) to protect California’s frontline nurses and other health care workers by providing presumptive eligibility for workers’ compensation.

California Nurses Association
February 10, 2021

Nurses holds sign "HCA Loves Income Over Outcomes"

Nurses: Patient, RN and worker safety cuts a price for HCA’s huge profits amid pandemic

HCA’s announcement of $3.75 billion in profits for 2020, a 7.1 percent jump over 2019, is a clear demonstration of the financial consequences of a year of short staffing and other cuts affecting patient and worker safety despite a once-in-a-century pandemic.

National Nurses United
February 2, 2021

Olympia Medical Center RNs circulating flyers for virtual press conference and petitions

Los Angeles County public hearing Wednesday—Emergency Services Commission Amid pandemic, nurses to urge LA County to press Alecto, UCLA to keep Olympia Medical Center open

At a public hearing by the Los Angeles County Emergency Services Commission Wednesday morning, registered nurses will call on Los Angeles County officials to step up pressure on Alecto Health Services and UCLA Health to keep Olympia Medical Center open at least for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
January 26, 2021

President Joe Biden

Nurses Applaud Biden’s National Strategy for the Covid-19 Response

National Nurses United applauded and enthusiastically welcomed President Biden’s new National Strategy for the Covid-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness, released on January 21; the executive orders and actions related to Covid-19 that the president signed on his first three days in office; and his stimulus plan, the American Rescue Plan, released on January 14.

National Nurses United
January 22, 2021

Joe Biden

Nurses applaud Biden’s American Rescue Plan

National Nurses United praised President-Elect Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan, which he announced this evening.

National Nurses United
January 14, 2021