Covid-19 press releases

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Community First Medical Center RNs

RNs at Community First alert public to patient safety concerns during Covid-19 pandemic

Registered nurses at Community First Medical Center in Chicago will hold a virtual press conference and an in-person picket on Friday, April 23 to alert the public to a variety of alarming state and federal violations that nurses say jeopardize patient safety.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
April 22, 2021

RNRN volunteer administering vaccines

Covid-19 vaccine clinic in South Los Angeles extended through May

Nurse volunteers from the Registered Nurse Response Network (RNRN) have been vaccinating the South Los Angeles community for the past six weeks at the Kedren Community Health Center, in partnership with International Medical Corps.

RN Response Network
April 13, 2021

RN speaks at vigil for Janine Paiste-Ponder, RN, at Sutter Alta Bates Summit Medical Center in Oakland

Cal/OSHA finds Alta Bates campus of Alta Bates Summit Medical Center guilty of eight violations, cites Sutter for additional $141,750

California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has issued an additional $141,750 in fines to Sutter Health—along with eight new citations—for failing to notify nurses in two units at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center, Alta Bates Campus in Berkeley, Calif. that they had been exposed to Covid.

California Nurses Association
March 26, 2021

Arcadia health care workers hold signs "Patients First"

Health care workers at Methodist Hospital of Southern California voice patient safety concerns

Health care workers at Methodist Hospital of Southern California in Arcadia, Calif., will hold a picket and car caravan on Friday, March 26 to highlight their patient safety concerns, including short-staffing and poor infection control throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Caregiver and Healthcare Employees Union
March 24, 2021

Nurse holds signs "Prioritize Public Health"

National Nurses United registered nurses disapprove of new CDC guidance saying students need only maintain three feet of physical distancing in classrooms

National Nurses United nurses today expressed disapproval that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued guidance this week decreasing from six to three feet the minimum distance masked students should keep from one another.

National Nurses United
March 21, 2021

RNs holding vigil at Sutter Alta Bates Summit Medical Center to remember their colleague Janine Paiste-Ponder

Cal/OSHA finds Summit campus of Alta Bates Summit Medical Center guilty of eight serious violations, cites hospital for $155,250

California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health has fined Sutter Health’s Alta Bates Summit Medical Center $155,250 for numerous, serious Covid-related workplace safety violations following an investigation after the July 2020 death of registered nurse Janine Paiste-Ponder.

California Nurses Association
March 19, 2021

Nures protest outside the White House

New report reveals continued government failure to track and report data on Covid-19 deaths of nurses and other health care workers

National Nurses United’s (NNU) updated report Sins of Omission, reveals continued failures by local, state, and federal governments to track and report data on the Covid-19 deaths and infections of nurses and other health care workers as well as widespread resistance by the hospital and health care industry to provide this critical information.

National Nurses United
March 18, 2021

President Joe Biden

Nurses welcome President Biden’s program on Covid-19, urge public to follow pandemic safety measures

National Nurses United today praised President Biden’s announcement of advances in the effort to get all U.S. residents vaccinated, while nurses called for everyone to continue to practice strong safety measures, essential to achieving protection in the face of the still virulent pandemic.

National Nurses United
March 12, 2021

Nurses outside hospital hold signs "Protect Nurses, Patients, Public Health"

Covid-19 RN Urges U.S. House Panel to Follow Science to Help Protect Health Care Workers

A registered nurse member of National Nurses United testified before a U.S. House Education and Labor subcommittee urging the federal government to recognize aerosol transmission of Covid-19.

National Nurses United
March 11, 2021

Nurse outside facility with sign "Respect and protect nurses now!"

RN Caring for Covid-19 Patients to Testify Before U.S. House Subcommittee About Importance of Science to Protect Health Care Workers

On Thursday, March 11, a registered nurse member of National Nurses United (NNU) will share her experiences as a nurse caring for Covid-19 patients in testimony before a U.S. House Education and Labor subcommittee. Pascaline Muhindura, RN, will testify during the Education and Labor Committee's Workforce Protections Subcommittee hearing.

National Nurses United
March 10, 2021