Covid-19 press releases

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Nurse holds sign "Science matters"

Nurses Raise Caution Flag on COVID-19 Vaccine Push

National Nurses United today raised a caution flag on the Trump administration’s rush to promote a COVID-19 vaccine by late October or early November without assurances that the vaccine will meet the highest test of public safety as its top priority, not political considerations.

National Nurses United
September 3, 2020

San Joaquin County nurses

San Joaquin nurses to convene virtual townhall discussion on community health in face of COVID-19

San Joaquin County nurses will convene a townhall discussion on Wednesday, September 2 with healthcare workers, community allies, and local elected leaders to call for the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors to make the County’s public hospital a top priority, to advance community health and to treat healthcare workers with the respect they deserve.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
September 1, 2020

Nurse holds "Protect Nurses" sign

HCA Nurses to Protest Unsafe PPE, Equipment, Staffing in Four States Tuesday

Registered nurses at HCA hospitals in Florida, Kansas, Missouri and Nevada will hold public actions Tuesday to highlight ongoing practices they say put nurses and other caregivers in jeopardy and increase the spread of COVID-19 to others.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
August 31, 2020

Nurse holds sign "Racial Justice Now"

President Preckwinkle’s Budget Proposal Closes Southside Clinics and Hospitals

With the recently announced closure of Mercy Hospital, cuts to services at Holy Cross and Jackson Park hospitals, and new threats to discontinue emergency services at Provident Hospital, labor and community organizations will hold a protest Friday Aug. 28 to decry Cook County’s austerity proposals as an affront to Black communities.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/National Nurses United
August 27, 2020

Nurses protest in front of The White House

Nurses Condemn Trump Administration Attack On Public Safety in New CDC Testing Guidelines

National Nurses United today condemned Trump administration directives to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to lower public safety standards on testing of people even when recently exposed to the coronavirus.

National Nurses United
August 26, 2020

Nurse holds sing "Save Lives"

Nurses seek OSHA sanctions on HCA

National Nurses United (NNU) today called on the federal Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) to inspect all HCA-owned-and-operated hospitals and issue citations against the hospital giant for “willful violation” of workplace safety hazards, which NNU warns “could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm.”

National Nurses United
August 24, 2020

Nurses push for HEROES Act outside the U.S. Senate

Nurses Deliver Half A Million Signatures to Congress, Calling on Congress to Protect Nurses During COVID-19 Pandemic

Registered nurses today delivered a petition to Congress signed by more than half a million people demanding Congress pass legislation that would protect nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

National Nurses United
August 7, 2020

Graphic "Save Lives"

Thousands of Nurses Hold National Day of Action Aug. 5 to Save Lives During COVID-19 and Beyond

As firsthand witnesses and actual victims during this COVID-19 crisis of a health care and economic system that prioritizes money over people, registered nurse members of National Nurses United (NNU) are holding on Aug. 5 more than 200 actions inside and outside hospital facilities in at least 16 states and the District of Columbia to demand that our elected leaders, government, and hospital employers take immediate action to save lives.

National Nurses United
August 3, 2020

San Joaquin General Hospital nurses

San Joaquin General Hospital Nurses to Hold Action To Demand Protections When Treating Patients With COVID-19

The lack of protections against COVID-19 at San Joaquin General Hospital has led to many exposures and infections amongst nurses and other frontline health care workers, which means many nurses are out sick and hospitals are taking advantage of the crisis to not hire more nurses.

California Nurses Association/National Nurses United
July 30, 2020

UCLA nurses wearing buttons supporting safe staffing ratios

UCLA Nurses Rally To Demand Safe Staffing and Appropriate Protections to Protect Nurses and Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic

To protest the recent staffing cuts and inadequate access to COVID-19 related protections for frontline health care workers during this COVID-19 pandemic, registered nurses at UCLA Westwood Medical Center are holding a rally and media availability during their lunch break on July, 29. Nurses will be available to describe recent staffing cuts which put patients and nurses at risk, and the lack of access to COVID-19 testing and safe personal protective equipment.

California Nurses Association
July 28, 2020