Press releases

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Nurses Say Camp’s Silence on Supporting Working Families Speaks Volumes

MIDLAND – As Michigan’s unemployment rate rises and many in Congress jump to protect millionaires over workers, Michigan nurses today expressed disappointment in U.S. Representative Dave Camp (R-Midland) for failing to support the Main Street Contract for the American People and called on him to hold a town hall meeting in the district.

Press Release
September 30, 2011

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Bill Introduced in the Pennsylvania House

PENNSYLVANIA - This morning, State Representatives Phyllis Mundy (D-120) and Deberah Kula (D-52) joined together to introduce a nurse-to-patient ratios bill in the Pennsylvania State House. This bill, modeled on California’s extremely successful 1999 law, would amend the Health Care Facilities Act to establish life-saving minimum nurse-to-patient ratios throughout the hospital.

Press Release
September 27, 2011

RNs Want Sutter to End Lockout & State to Investigate Safety Violations Following Patient Death

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United today called on Sutter corporation to immediately end the unsafe lockout of its regularly scheduled nurses following media confirmation of a patient death while under the care of a strike replacement RN, as well as reports of other serious problems involving strike replacement RNs. RNs will hold a memorial candlelight vigil Sunday night and to press Sutter executives to end the lockout. The vigil will be held at 7 p.m. at Sutter’s Alta Bates Summit hospital campus in Oakland at 350 Hawthorne St.

CNA Press Release
September 25, 2011

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National Nurses United Convention Calls for Stepped Up Push For Wall Street Transaction Tax

Delegates to the second convention of National Nurses United Friday called for a sweeping set of reforms to address the economic crisis swamping American families, and pledged to step up the campaign for a tax on Wall Street financial transactions to pay for Main Street reforms.

Press Release
September 17, 2011

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Nurses Say Letting Uninsured Patients Die Is No Laughing Matter Following Abhorrent Audience Cheers

The nation’s largest representative of registered nurses today expressed revulsion at the cheering of some audience members in the CNN-Tea Party Republican debate Monday night at the prospect of letting a sick person die just because they do not have health insurance.

Press Release
September 13, 2011

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Statement on Census’ 2010 Poverty, Income, and Health Insurance Data

Today's Census report shows that in 2010, the share of all Americans and the share of children living in poverty, the number and share of people living in "deep poverty," and the number without health insurance all reached their highest level in many years — in some cases, in several decades — while median household income fell significantly after adjusting for inflation.

Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
September 13, 2011

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California Gov. Brown, Filmmaker Michael Moore to Address 1,000 Nurses at San Francisco Convention

California Gov. Jerry Brown, acclaimed filmmaker Michael Moore, Canadian nurses union leader Linda Silas, and Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, and will be among the featured speakers this week as 1,000 nurses gather in San Francisco Sept. 14 to Sept. 16 for the 2011 convention of National Nurses United, the nation's largest union and professional association of registered nurses.

Press Release
September 9, 2011

National Nurses Make History - Sept 1, 2011

RNs sponsor soup kitchens, food pantries, speak outs on the need for jobs, healthcare, education, housing – and outline the RN plan on how to pay for it.

Press Release
September 2, 2011

National Nurses United Endorses Consumer Advocate Elizabeth Warren for US Senate Race

Heralding the candidacy of “Main Street Hero” Elizabeth Warren, the 170,000 member National Nurses United today announced it has endorsed Warren’s exploratory candidacy for the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, and urged her to officially enter the race.

Press Release
August 23, 2011

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Mid-Michigan District Health Department nurses ratify four-year contract

Okemos - The registered nurses at Mid Michigan District Health Department ratified a new four year collective bargaining agreement last week, a few days before the Board of Commissioners also ratified the agreement.

Press Release
August 23, 2011