Press releases

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6,000 California RNs Set One-Day Strike December 22

Nurses are poised to hold a one-day strike at California’s second largest private hospital, and one of its most profitable corporate hospital chain December 22.

CNA Press Release
December 9, 2011

HCA RNs Win Key Gains in Patient Care, RN Standards in First Contract at Las Vegas Hospital

Registered nurses at a Las Vegas hospital that is part of the nation’s largest hospital chain, Nashville-based HCA, have achieved their first collective bargaining contract with important improvements in patient care protections and enhanced professional and economic standards that will help keep experienced RNs at the bedside, National Nurses United announced today.

NNU Press Release
December 8, 2011

US Nurses Stand by UK Nurses, Public Workers - Rallies in Six US Cities Nov. 30

With up to two million British workers expected to join the biggest strike in the United Kingdom in a generation Wednesday, Nov. 30, the largest union of registered nurses in the U.S. announced today that it will hold support rallies for British nurses and other workers in six U.S. cities Wednesday.

NNU Press Release
November 28, 2011

Up to two million public sector workers on strike this week

UK--This Wednesday (30 November) will see up to two million public sector workers including teachers, nurses, probation officers, civil servants, cleaners, paramedics and dinner ladies taking part in the TUC day of action in what could be the biggest strike in a generation.

TUC Press Release
November 28, 2011

Nurses Joining Students, Occupy Movement, other Labor Unions, to Demand Wall Street Tax 11/17

From Washington D.C. to California registered nurse members of National Nurses United (NNU) will join protests alongside students, consumer advocates, Occupy participants, environmental groups and other labor unions Thursday to send a message from Main Street - the time for Wall Street to pay back is long overdue.

Press Release
November 17, 2011

Palmetto General RNs Vote by 86% to Join NNOC-Florida With Huge Win at Hialeah Hospital

In what Palmetto General Hospital RN Ailen Leiva termed "a clear mandate by Palmetto RNs who see an urgent need to improve quality of care," registered nurses at the Hialeah hospital voted by 86 percent Tuesday night to join the state and nation's largest union and professional association of RNs.

Press Release
November 16, 2011

UMH RNs Gain Significant Increases in New Contract

Ann Arbor, Michigan - The 4,000 registered nurses at the University of Michigan Hospital, represented by the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA), have cast a resounding vote to ratify a new three year contract. The contract offers nurses wages and benefits that are among the best in the marketplace, as well as a continued commitment to support the delivery of the highest quality care.

MNA Press Release
November 7, 2011

After Campaign by Nurses, Allies, Obama Shifts Stance on Financial Transaction Tax

On a day 2,000 people marched on the White House and Treasury Department, one of four major actions led by National Nurses United (NNU) following months of actions by nurses and allies, the Obama administration appeared to send signals Thursday of shifting away from its opposition to a tax on financial transactions (FTT).

Press Release
November 4, 2011

Unions vs. Big Banks: Rally for tax to create jobs and fight poverty

Oxfam - As world leaders gather this week for the G20 Summit in Cannes, France, activists around the world are calling for a Robin Hood Tax to make Wall Street pay for their role in the economic meltdown. The tax would raise much needed support to create jobs, protect public services, and fight poverty and climate change.

Press Release
November 2, 2011

California Nurses in Solidarity with Occupy Oakland Actions Nov. 2

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses United said today that it is standing in solidarity with Occupy Oakland, its protest actions on November 2 and its continuing movement.

Press Release
November 1, 2011