Press releases

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Nurses to Hold Palomar Vigil Thursday to Oppose Cuts

Palomar-Pomerado Health District registered nurses will hold a candlelight vigil Thursday night outside Palomar Medical Center to voice opposition to cuts in nursing assistants and other direct-care staff that they say is causing dangerous and widespread patient care delays.

Press Release
July 20, 2011

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Nurses to Lead Irvine Rally Thursday Against Cuts in Medicare, Social Security

More than 100 registered nurses, joined by community activists in Orange County, will hold a noon speak out and rally Thursday in Irvine to call on Congress and the White House to stop any cuts to Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid.

Press Release
July 20, 2011

Study Bolsters Case for Pending Legislation to Set Safe Patient Limits in Massachusetts

New Study Adds to Evidence on Success of California’s RN-Patient Staffing Law to Improve Nursing, Patient Care

Massachusetts Nurses Association Press Release
July 14, 2011

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New Study Adds to Evidence—California’s RN-Patient Ratios Law Improves Nursing, Patient Care

Another major study has reinforced a growing body of evidence that California’s landmark law requiring minimum, specific nurse-to-patient staffing ratios enhances registered nurse staffing and the quality of patient care.

Press Release
July 14, 2011

Nurses hold "Governor Snyder's 'No Soup For You' Kitchen in Protest of Budget Cuts

Nurses representing the Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) served chicken noodle soup, sandwiches and cookies on the Capital lawn today as a part of “Governor Snyder’s ‘No Soup for You’ Kitchen.”

Press Release
July 13, 2011

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Nurses Urge Congress to Stop Cuts in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid

Nurses across the U.S. plan to flood members of the Senate Thursday and Friday with calls demanding they hold the line and oppose cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid that have been proposed during the current negotiations over the debt ceiling debate.

Press Release
July 12, 2011

Steward Holy Family Hospital RNs Vote 70 Percent to join Massachusetts Nurses Association

Culminating a two-year effort to win union representation to improve patient care, registered nurses at Steward Holy Family Hospital voted last night by 70 percent to join the Massachusetts Nurses Association/National Nurses United (MNA/NNU), the state and nation’s pre-eminent organization of RNs.

Press Release
July 12, 2011

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Nurses Call for Tax on Wall Street Trades, Not Cuts in Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid

The nation’s leading nurses’ organization, National Nurses United, today called on the Obama administration and Congress to oppose cuts in Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid, and instead increase national revenues with a tax on major Wall Street speculative activity.

Press Release
July 7, 2011

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Candlelight Vigil for Safe Patient Care Wednesday, Los Angeles

Registered nurses at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles will hold a candlelight vigil Wednesday, July 6, to highlight their concerns with chronic understaffing, nurses unable to safely take a meal break during their 12-hour shifts, and the closures of vital patient care units at the hospital, the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United announced today.

Press Release
July 6, 2011

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Cuts in Public Health May Cause Danger to Children, Say Ventura County RNs Who Plan Protest Thursday

A Ventura County children’s program called First 5 which provides care to an at-risk population of children up to age five, has been seriously compromised with the elimination of the five public health nurse positions who provided the care. Ventura County RNs say that this will significantly delay needed care and put children at risk. On Thursday, the nurses, who are represented by the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United, plan to protest the cuts.

Press Release
June 22, 2011