Press releases

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City of Hope RNs to Hold Prayer Vigil Monday

City of Hope RNs will hold a prayer vigil Monday night outside the Duarte hospital to alert the public to concerns over hospital actions they believe potentially jeopardize patient safety involving the introduction of new specialized equipment for patients needing continuous cardiac monitoring, and the hospital’s retaliation and discrimination against nurses for voicing concerns about proper use of the equipment.

California Nurses Association
February 23, 2013

Working Families Call on Wall Street Firms to Pay Their Taxes

(Detroit, MI) Working people passed out leaflets in front of Chase Bank on Woodward Avenue this afternoon, calling on corporate special interests to pay their fair share in taxes.

Michigan Nurses Association
February 20, 2013

Health Policy Commission to Hold Hearing Feb. 22 on Recently Enacted Law to Ban Mandatory Overtime

Massachusetts Nurses along with other advocates will be on hand to push for a clear definition of a government declared emergency to prevent hospitals from skirting the law and endangering patients.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/NNU
February 20, 2013

Robin Hood Calls on Jack Lew to Pledge a Real Recovery Through Wall Street Sales Tax

Washington, D.C. – Wearing their signature Robin Hood hats, U.S. Robin Hood Tax Campaign advocates brought their message of a Wall Street sales tax directly into the confirmation hearing of Jack Lew before the Senate Finance Committee this morning: The next Treasury Secretary needs to give his highest priority to raising revenue for Main Street and the many communities still suffering from the financial collapse of 2008. Robin Hood called upon Lew to pledge his support for the Robin Hood Tax, embodied in the Inclusive Prosperity Act, or Ellison bill.

Robin Hood Tax Campaign
February 13, 2013

Department of Public Health to Hold Public Hearing (Feb. 15)

On the Proposed Closure of a 15-bed Drug and Alcohol Detox Unit at Brigham & Women’s Faulkner Hospital. Opponents to the Closing Will Present Testimony Detailing the Devastating Impact the Loss of this Service Will Have on the Most Vulnerable Patients Requiring Complex Treatment for Addiction.

Massachusetts Nurses Association/NNU
February 13, 2013

Sierra Medical Center RNs, El Paso Vote by 60 Percent to Join NNOC

Registered nurses at Sierra Medical Center in El Paso voted by 60 percent Tuesday night to join the National Nurses Organizing Committee-Texas, the Texas affiliate of National Nurses United, the nation’s largest organization of RNs.

National Nurses Organizing Committee/NNU
February 13, 2013

Jack Lew Hearing Puts Spotlight on Wall Street as Main Street Has Yet to Recover

Washington, D.C. – Community, labor and healthcare activists are calling upon the Senate Finance Committee this week to press Treasury Secretary nominee Jack Lew to support a Financial Transaction, or Robin Hood, tax. The Robin Hood tax will begin to bring much needed fairness to the tax code, put the brakes on reckless Wall Street trading, and hold Wall Street accountable to the many communities still suffering from the crashing of the economy.

National Nurses United
February 11, 2013

Nurses, Health Care Activists to Protest Health Insurance Industry in Sacramento

Protest Monday Calling for Expanded Medicare for All. Registered nurses will join with the Campaign for a Healthy California, a coalition of labor and healthcare activists, Monday in Sacramento in a challenge to California health insurance corporations, the latest step in an ongoing campaign to work for guaranteed healthcare for all by expanding and updating Medicare to cover everyone.

Campaign for a Healthy California
February 8, 2013

Nurses Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline, Cite Adverse Effects of Increased Air Pollution, Climate Change

Citing serious adverse health concerns, National Nurses United announced today that it is joining with environmentalists, unions and other organizations from across the country to oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline – the 1,700 mile of tar sands oil pipeline from Canada to refineries in Texas. With 185,000 members, NNU is the largest organization and union of registered nurses.

National Nurses United
February 5, 2013

Patient Protection Act Proposed for DC Hospitals

Survey: 57% of District Hospital Nurses Cite Inadequate Staffing. Registered nurses joined with District of Columbia Council members and community supporters in a press conference today to announce the introduction of the Patient Protection Act to dramatically improve care in DC hospitals to protect patients.

National Nurses United
February 4, 2013