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International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
February 19, 2016

FDA issues recommendations to reduce the risk for Zika virus blood transmission in the United States

As a safety measure against the emerging Zika virus outbreak, today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a new guidance recommending the deferral of individuals from donating blood if they have been to areas with active Zika virus transmission, potentially have been exposed to the virus, or have had a confirmed Zika virus infection.

U.S. Food and Drug Administration
February 17, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
February 12, 2016

Sanders says single-payer health care can happen in his first term if ‘people demand it’

Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said that he has no hard timetable for moving to a single-payer health-care system if he wins the White House but that he hopes it’s something he could accomplish in his first term.

John Wagner, The Washington Post
February 11, 2016

I'm a woman and I will vote for the best feminist for president: Bernie Sanders

I am a feminist. And I would like to one day break the glass ceiling with a progressive woman who sees class and race as fundamental problems in American society.

RoseAnn DeMoro writgin for the Gaurdian
February 9, 2016

Westminster hospital nurses ratify union contract

After more than two years of conflict over wages, working conditions and patient safety, 150 registered nurses at Kindred Hospital Westminster, a 109-bed acute care facility, ratified a collective bargaining agreement this week.

Margot Roosevelt, The Orange County Register
February 8, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
February 5, 2016

Sanders goes Robin Hood with plan to make Wall Street pay for college

It isn’t often that a presidential candidate turns raising taxes into an applause line, but Bernie Sanders has done just that with his plan to tax Wall Street to pay for making college more affordable. “We’re going to ask Wall Street to pay a tax on speculation,” Sen. Sanders (I-Vt.) said to huge applause on Monday during a Democratic presidential candidate town hall sponsored by CNN. “I believe that after the working families of this country bailed out Wall Street, maybe it’s their time to help the middle class of this country.”

Kelsey Snell January / Washington Post
January 27, 2016

Petitioners demand nursing staff be retained at Nashoba Valley Medical

AYER -- Supporters of a petition to save the jobs of three emergency room nurses were met at the door. A representative of the Nashoba Valley Medical Center told the group of about 15 people that Sal Perla, president of the hospital, was not available. He asked for people to remain outside and then accepted the paperwork at noon Tuesday.

Anne O'Connor / Nashoba Valley Voice
January 27, 2016

The Broad and Diverse Coalition That Is Supporting the Clean Power Plan in Court

The Local Government Coalition and its member national associations and local governments seek to participate as amici curiae to support their common view that the Clean Power Plan is a valid exercise of EPA’s authority and represents a reasonable interpretation of the ‘best system of emissions reduction’ standard established under Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.

Vickie Patton / Environmental Defense Fund
January 26, 2016