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Sanders Can Fix What Ails Health Care System

We know our health care system is broken and that Sanders is the one who can fix it. That’s why I and other members of National Nurses United, who are gathering Wednesday in Sacramento, support Sanders, who held a rally in Sacramento on Monday.

Cathy Kennedy, RN writing in The Sacramento Bee
May 10, 2016

Bernie Sanders' idea for free tuition at public colleges deserves an A

Bernie Sanders wants everyone to be offered a tuition-free college education and he’s called crazy. America can’t afford it, naysayers scoff. He’s just pandering to young voters. But too many of us in California forget: This state did provide tuition-free college for generations.

George Skelton, Capitol Journal
May 9, 2016

Posting Bernie signs

California nurses "Feel the Bern"

As Bernie Sanders prepares for the California presidential primary, he has a local ground force that he leans on as "one of the sponsors of my campaign": nurses.

Seema Mehta, Los Angeles Times
May 9, 2016

Democrats: California’s primary still matters

Yes, California, we matter on June 7, just not the way the major media predicted. The experts who insisted Donald Trump would be a flash in the pan are the same ones who ignored Sen. Bernie Sanders from the start.

RoseAnn DeMoro writing for the San Francisco Chronicle
May 9, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
May 6, 2016

Community Health Systems to Sell Assets to Pay Down Hefty Debt

Shares in Community Health Systemsopened sharply lower after the hospital operator announced another quarter of disappointing results and its executives vowed to sell assets to pay down the company’s hefty debt.

Melanie Evans, The Wall Street Journal
May 6, 2016

Workers face 'epidemic of heat-related injuries' due to climate change

Workers in fields and factories face an epidemic of heat-related injuries that will devastate their health, income and productivity as climate change takes hold, a major UN report has warned.

Arthur Neslen, The Guardian
May 2, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
April 29, 2016

House Democrats Push Back On Obama Plan To Cut Drug Prices

A group of House Democrats is organizing an effort that could slow down an Obama administration plan to reduce drug prices, according to a letter obtained by The Huffington Post.

Ryan Grim, The Huffington Post
April 28, 2016

North County Cares Coalition Asks Berkshire Medical Center for Detox Center

With the region still in the throes of an epidemic of opioid addiction, a Northern Berkshire advocacy group is asking Berkshire Medical Center to open an inpatient detox center in its North Adams campus.

Adam Shanks, The Berkshire Eagle
April 28, 2016