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Letter: If drug companies don’t like 61, then you should

Proposition 61, a proposal to limit some drug prices in California to the price paid by the Veterans Administration, shapes up to be the most expensive initiative fight in California history due to the money the drug industry is spending against it.

Oroville Mercury-Register
October 12, 2016

Proposition 61 Will Help Reduce Outrageous Prescription Drug Prices

As public outrage has erupted over a 500 percent price increase for life-saving EpiPens and a $1,000-per-pill cost for the most effective hepatitis C treatment, the pharmaceutical industry appears to be beyond shame.

Kathy Dennis writing in the Sacramento Bee
October 11, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
October 7, 2016

Nurses, staff unions claim victory with new contracts at Whittier, San Gabriel hospitals

Whittier Hospital Medical Center and San Gabriel Valley Medical Center agreed to contracts with their nurses and healthcare workers last week that include wage inreases of up to 26 percent over the four-year course of the agreements.

Christopher Yee, Whittier Daily News
October 5, 2016

Why California nurses back Prop. 61: Guest commentary

If you want to know why nurses across California are campaigning for Proposition 61, here’s one thing Long Beach nurses increasingly see.

Margie Keenan writing for The Press Telegram
October 3, 2016

Nurses: Time to cut drug prices

The best argument for passing Proposition 61 to cut drug prices in California, may be SB 1010, a modest effort to require the drug manufacturers give more notice and some justification when jacking up prices.

Deborah Burger writing for Capitol Weekly
October 3, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
September 30, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
September 28, 2016

Oakland City Council meeting on closure of Alta Bates

Oakland Council Opposes Closure of Berkeley's Only Hospital

Oakland City Council on Tuesday night voted unanimously to oppose the closure of Berkeley’s only hospital, Alta Bates Summit Medical Center.

Sydney Johnson, The Post News Group
September 23, 2016

Recipe for ripoffs: Pricing drugs by their 'value' to sick people

Heather Bresch, chief executive of pharmaceutical heavyweight Mylan, testified before lawmakers Wednesday that her company acted ethically and fairly when it jacked up the price of life-saving EpiPens by more than 500%.

David Lazarus, LA TImes
September 23, 2016