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Bernie Sanders rallies supporters with call for new direction in Democratic party

On a gorgeous fall day and surrounded by changing trees, a group of Bernie Sanders’ most ardent supporters held a political bonfire for the doomed Trans-Pacific Partnership outside the US Capitol building.

Lauren Gambino writing for The Guardian
November 17, 2016

Nurses stand in solidarity with DAPL protesters, headed to reservation

OAKLAND, Calif. (KTVU) - National Nurses United is deploying a second team of RN volunteers to the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation to assist those protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline.

November 8, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
November 7, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
October 28, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
October 21, 2016

Nurses say Jane Kim for state Senate to heal California

There’s a heartbreak to any patient’s cancer diagnosis. So imagine watching my recent patient fight through treatment, knowing that when she exited the hospital, onto San Francisco’s streets, her health would simply unravel because she has no home, no shelter, nowhere to go.

Maureen Dugan, San Francisco Examiner
October 21, 2016

Op-Ed - Bernie Sanders: Stand up to Big Pharma greed Vote yes on Proposition 61

Prescription drug prices in the United States are the highest in the world — by far. Californians on Nov. 8 have a chance to stand up to the pharmaceutical industry’s greed and spark a national movement to end this price-gouging.

Senator Bernie Sanders, writing in the LA Times
October 21, 2016

Join nurses in voting ‘yes’ on Prop. 61 to lower drug prices

If you want to know why we should pass Proposition 61 to lower prescription drug prices, ask a nurse. I can tell you the story of a young man in his late 40s living on a fixed income, working two jobs, who was diagnosed with high blood pressure. This one medication was going to cost him over $400 a month.

Amy Arlund, RN writing for The Fresno Bee
October 19, 2016

Without Prop 61, our patients will continue to suffer

If you wonder why prescription drug prices are so high, take a look at how the big drug companies have rigged the system against all of us. We can take back control of our health by voting Yes on Proposition 61.

Kellie Montoya, RN writing for The Modesto Bee
October 18, 2016

International Nurse News Round-Up

See a collection of links to news stories about nurses in other nations, and how they are advocating for their patients.

Global Nurses United
October 14, 2016