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Soup kitchen' makes a statement to Gov. Snyder

George Gray sells his blood every week so he can afford a bus pass or buy shaving cream. Unemployed and homeless for two years, the 57-year-old also is no stranger to soup kitchens.

Lansing State Journal
July 14, 2011

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When health insurance isn't enough

New studies suggest that coverage doesn't protect Americans from going bankrupt over medical costs
July 7, 2011

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How health cuts are killing women

As Republicans push for bigger budget cuts, slashed public health programmes mean maternal mortality is already ticking up

The Guardian/UK
July 7, 2011

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First Study of Its Kind Shows Benefits of Providing Medical Insurance to Poor

When poor people are given medical insurance, they not only find regular doctors and see doctors more often but they also feel better, are less depressed and are better able to maintain financial stability, according to a new, large-scale study that provides the first rigorously controlled assessment of the impact of Medicaid

New York Times
July 7, 2011

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The Wageless, Profitable Recovery

Economists at Northeastern University have found that the current economic recovery in the United States has been unusually skewed in favor of corporate profits and against increased wages for workers.

New York Times Blog
June 30, 2011

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Single-payer coverage eyed in New York State

Momentum is moving in a very different direction in liberal Vermont, and maybe in New York State. A month ago, Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin signed a law that will create a single-payer health care system, parallel to Canada’s.

Buffalo News
June 28, 2011

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Nurses union supports equal access for all

The view from the hospital floor where nurses give care 24/7 is quite a distance from the halls of Congress, which is consumed with debates on debt ceilings.

Orlando Sentinel
June 28, 2011

Nurses Rally to Tax Wall Street

Local nurses rallied today in support of a national call for a half-cent tax on stock and bond sales and other financial transactions. The new revenue would restore jobs and help fix the economy. Members of the California Nurses Association and National Nurses United say the billions raised could ease financial strains on working families.

June 24, 2011

Unions challenge Wall Street sway over politicians

California’s nurses union stared down former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger for trying to scale down the union’s political influence in 2005 and helped sabotage the gubernatorial campaign of another Republican, Meg Whitman, last year.

San Francisco Chronicle
June 24, 2011

U.S. Nurses Bring Global Call to Tax Speculators to Wall Street

Nurses from across the United States rallied on Wall Street today, calling on the financial industry to pay their fair share of the costs of the economic crisis.

Institute for Policy Studies
June 23, 2011