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Bill Gates Urges Obama to Embrace Global Tax

When Barack Obama was a senator, he proposed a Global Poverty Act to fulfill the U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals. The cost in additional foreign aid: $845 billion. On Thursday, as part of the G20 summit, Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, delivered a report on “financing for development” that proposes global taxes on America and other “rich” nations to make the Global Poverty Act a reality.

AIM - Accuracy in Media
November 4, 2011

Union Pressure, OWS Protests Tear Down a Barrier to Taxing Speculators

Does protesting and pressuring powerful players in political and economic life matter? Can the White House and Congress really be moved on questions so central as taxing financial speculation? Yes. And here’s the evidence of how of it works.

The Nation
November 4, 2011

Study: Big corporations use loopholes, dodge taxes

Many of this country's biggest companies paid no federal taxes - or even made money through credits and refunds from the government - over the past three years by using an array of loopholes and tax breaks, according to a report released Thursday.

Washington Post
November 2, 2011

Nurses From Four Continents Urge Global Finance Tax; “We Are Running Out of Time”

Capping many months of campaigning across the U.S., nurses from National Nurses United (NNU) – the largest union of registered nurses in the country – brought their urgent message for a financial transaction tax (FTT) to Washington, D.C., today, rallying in front of the White House and Department of Treasury.

Press Release
October 31, 2011

Public hospitals carry burden of charity care despite big tax breaks for nonprofits

The East Bay's nonprofit hospitals receive millions of dollars in tax breaks each year to care for the poor and uninsured, yet they provide only a fraction of local charity care, a Bay Area News Group analysis reveals.

Contra Costa Times
October 24, 2011

Nurses protest outside Emanuel's office over Occupy Chicago arrests

More than two dozen people in red shirts affiliated with National Nurses United stood outside Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s fifth floor City Hall office this morning chanting, "Arrest the 1 percent."

Chicago Tribune
October 24, 2011

Nurses march through Ann Arbor demanding contract

Crowds of shouting people decked in red marched through Ann Arbor streets yesterday, as University of Michigan Health System nurses and their supporters rallied for a finalized contract.

Michigan Daily
October 13, 2011

NNU logo

Nurses' prescription for healing our economy

If you want to know just how bad things are for those hit hardest by the Great Recession, ask a nurse: They see more young men suffering heart attacks, more anxiety in children, and more ulcers and stomach illnesses in people of all ages. Financial struggles are forcing more patients to forgo necessary medicines and treatments. A Princeton/Georgia State study reports a 39 percent increase in ER admissions for suicide attempts precipitated by home foreclosures, and a direct correlation between foreclosure rates and increases in emergency-room visits and hospitalization for hypertension, diabetes and anxiety.

Washington Post
October 4, 2011

Hospitals push age hike for Medicare

WASHINGTON - As the deficit reduction supercommittee hunts for $1.5 trillion in additional savings, US hospital executives are so worried about having their payments cut that they plan to start lobbying Congress next week to shift the burden onto their elderly patients - specifically by raising the age of eligibility for Medicare.

The Boston Globe
September 30, 2011

Hospital nurses are owed safe working environment

As a student nurse, I write in support of Massachusetts House Bill 1506, an act that protects patients from preventable medical errors by prohibiting mandatory overtime. Mandatory overtime requires nurses to stay on after their 12-hour shifts to fill in planned gaps in the schedule. After 12 hours on the job, nurses are statistically more likely to make errors and jeopardize patient safety.

Cape Cod Times, letters to the editor
September 30, 2011