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Pay reform offers new backdrop in long battle over nurse staff

Boston - Reviving one of Beacon Hill’s oldest and most hard fought battles – whether to force hospitals to abide by nurse-to-patient staffing levels –nurses cautioned lawmakers Tuesday that they’ve left the care of their constituents at risk by failing to pass a staffing law, and the state’s top hospital official calling mandated staffing requirements a “terrible idea” that would represent a step backwards in the fast-changing health care field.

State House News Service
September 27, 2011

Nurses rally for law banning forced overtime

HYANNIS — Massachusetts hospitals need more nurses, not more nurses working overtime, health care advocates said Monday at a press conference near Cape Cod Hospital.

CapeCod Online
September 27, 2011

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Patient died during Calif. nurse labor dispute

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Authorities were investigating the death of a patient who was given a "non-prescribed dosage" of a medical drug by a replacement hired when thousands of nurses went on strike across California, an Oakland police spokeswoman said Sunday.

Associated Press
September 26, 2011

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Death of patient blamed on strikebreaking nurse

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Police were investigating the death of an East Bay patient Saturday morning that hospital officials say was fatally dosed with an unknown medication by a replacement nurse brought in from out-of-state during a recent nurse strike.

September 26, 2011

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"Lethal Dose" Kills Patient During Lockout

A patient's death at Oakland's Alta Bates Summit Medical Center has sparked out cry by nurses who have been locked out of work since they hit the picket lines for a one day strike Thursday.

September 25, 2011

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Replacement nurse involved in 'medical error' leading to patient death at Oakland hospital

A replacement nurse at an Oakland hospital committed a "medical error" while administering a dosage of medication to a cancer patient leading to her death early Saturday morning, police and hospital officials said.

Contra Costa Times
September 25, 2011

Nurses rally again to ask that Wall Street be taxed

San Francisco - Over 1,000 registered nurses from all over the U.S. rallied in San Francisco on September 15 near the Federal Reserve Bank in an effort to step up the campaign to place a tax on Wall Street.

The Digital Journal
September 16, 2011

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1,000 Nurses to Rally in San Francisco Thursday, Sept. 15 Call for Tax on Wall Street

Some 1,000 registered nurses from across the U.S. will rally in San Francisco Thursday across from the Federal Reserve Bank to step up the campaign to tax Wall Street financial speculation to fund a recovery program for the economic crisis slamming Main Street communities.

Press Release
September 15, 2011

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Taxing Wall Street to bail out Main Street

Members of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses United and their backers rallied September 1, at the congressional offices of Democrats and Republicans in 21 states across America for a 0.5 percent federal tax on big financial transactions to raise $350 billion annually to fund jobs, health care and schools. The tax would apply to stocks, securities, debt purchases, options, credit swaps, foreign currency bets and derivatives only, according to the CNA/NNU.

Sacramento News and Review
September 8, 2011

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Let Wall Street pay

Last Thursday, Sept. 1, a group of nurses demonstrated at Rep. Wally Herger’s office at 11 a.m. and then, from noon to 1 p.m., set up a “soup kitchen”—actually, they served Mexican food—in City Plaza. They were among some 10,000 members of the National Nurses Union who mounted similar actions that day in 61 congressional districts as part of their Main Street Campaign.

Chico News and Review
September 8, 2011