
Submitted by oldAdministrator on

CA Seizes Health Reform Initiative--Single-Payer Passes Senate

Congress may not have the political courage to move forward with a national health reform agenda...but in California the drive to pass guaranteed healthcare reform is back on track, with the Senate today passing legislation by a 22 to 14 vote to enact Medicare for all, single-payer reforms.

Small Press with Big Ideas

Among the vast daily news sources bidding for our readership, I find four little-heralded publications representing major causes worthy of attention.

In The Public Interest

A Nation Worried Sick

Why did thousands of working nurses and supporters converge on scores of Congressional offices from Maine to California last week? How is it that nurses working long shifts at demanding jobs took time away from rest and family to appear before their representatives?

The Nation

What Will the Next Generation of Unionists Do for Millions of Workers Still Unemployed?

“Thinking about Labor’s Future” is a series which will describe what the labor movement has achieved for America’s working families during the past two decades, and the problems (and opportunities) that will confront the unions of tomorrow. Each week, Harry will do an article on a separate issue. In addition to jobs and unemployment, we will include columns on war and nuclear threats, union organizing, leadership, political activity, healthcare, education, retirement income, technology, the workplace, taxes, global relations and working class culture. Stay tuned.

NNU Blog by: Harry Kelber

Are nonprofit hospitals scamming patients and communities?

Many private nonprofit California hospitals, especially those that are part of big corporate chains like Sutter and Kaiser Permanente appear to be exploiting their tax-exempt status by accumulating huge profits, and handing top execs massive pay packages while providing scant charity care in return.

NNU Celebrates Three Years

Every year, National Nurses United’s top RN leaders convene to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year as well as to strategize about how to build the national nurses movement and push back against the incessant forces of corporate healthcare in the year ahead.

NNU Blog

National RN Upadate: DC Actions, Stop Social Security Cuts, Charity Care, Massachusetts

TAKE ACTION to stop Social Security Cuts! Join us on April 20 in DC. Robin Hood will be marching from the IMF and World Bank to the US Treasury to demand a Robin Hood Tax in the U.S. We hope you can join us! On April 17 Congressmember Ellison (D-MN) will be holding a press conference to herald the reintroduction of The Inclusive Prosperity Act which calls for a Robin Hood Tax. Get details and see more updates!

National Nurses United

Kaiser, don't cancel our patients' care!

View a slideshow of Kaiser RNs in Oakland, CA on September 6, 2013.

California Nurses Association

10 Reasons to Oppose the Keystone XL Pipeline

Here's a commentary by National Nurses United Executive Director RoseAnn DeMoro. With the clock ticking down on a final decision by the Obama administration on Keystone XL, it’s time to update why the nation’s largest nurses organization is opposed to a project that looks more like a pathway to pollution than a gateway to our gas pumps. Citing the threat to public health and how the project would hasten the climate crisis, nurses have been on the front line of protests against Keystone, a 1,700-mile pipeline that would transport 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil every day from Alberta, Canada to U.S. Gulf Coast refineries, largely for export.

By RoseAnn DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United

Nurses and the Community Want Doctors Medical Center San Pablo Open!

Nurses and the Community Want Doctors Medical Center San Pablo Open! Nurses and community agree: Keep Doctors Medical Center Open. Watch video now.

California Nurses Association