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Florida nurses holding sign

Florida Nurses Fight to Ban Fracking, Protect the Planet

Several National Nurses Organizing Committee RNs representing Florida's Gulf Coast traveled to the state capital in Tallahassee March 13 to call on their lawmakers to ban fracking. There are currently five bills in Florida’s House and Senate that call for a ban on fracking, but several of the bills have loopholes that will allow big oil to start fracking in the Sunshine State.

National Nurses United

RN Hero Mandi Howard on her Haiti experience and the USS Iwo Jima

When I first got the call from RNRN that I was going on a US Navy ship to participate in Continuing Promise 2010 I was so excited and I have to say that excitement lasted the whole trip! Working with the military and living aboard the USS Iwo Jima was a great experience that I will never forget.


Who's Your Doctor's Daddy?

...when a recent report came out about insurance companies buying up physician groups and providers in increasing numbers, I wasn’t very surprised.


New study: Jobs crisis promotes rationing of care

A new NPR/Kaiser Family Foundation survey released today documented again the direct link between the economic crisis – you know the one Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman now says we ought to start calling a Depression – and families undermining their health.

National Nurses Movement

URGENT: Please help MNA’s Northland RNs

Please take a moment to watch this video, see the devastation MNA RNs are suffering in the Northland after the June 20 floods and make an online contribution through MNA to help them!

MNA blog

Payroll deception with a new face...

Again California "Special Interests" have a proposition on our November ballot. It is called the "Special Exemptions Act", better known as Proposition 32. And it gets a little confusing determining just who are those who will benefit from these "special exemptions". Perhaps this nurse's take on exactly what will this Proposition do for my patients might shed some light on the real agenda this proposition supports. It is NOT what it seems....Proposition 32, the Special Exemptions Act, touted as political campaign reform. Proposition 32 claims to be about stopping special interest money in politics, but it is really an attempt to deceive voters into passing a law that would change the rules to benefit wealthy corporate the expense of middle-class workers and unions.

CNA blog by Kathryn Donahue, RN

Why labor should oppose the pipeline

As pressure from the fossil-fuel industry, conservative Canadian and US politicians, and some construction unions mounts on President Obama to greenlight the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline project, a growing coalition has a different message.

San Francisco Bay Guardian Online

NURSE TALK RADIO: The Flu Shot Debate with NNU Co-President, Karen Higgins

Flu shot controversy rages on. What do you think? Nurse Talk took a Facebook poll this week and we got some very passionate answers. We will share this with you in the show. Very interesting—and no less interesting was a mainstream media newscast we’ll share. Fired for not getting a flu shot? One hundred and fifty at TriHealth, Cincinnati’s largest employer live to tell.

Nurse Talk Radio

Response to Typhoon Disaster Latest Reminder–We’re Lucky to Have RNs in the World

As the heart wrenching images crossed across our screens from the Philippines, the largest U.S. organization of nurses, National Nurses United, was getting in motion as well. Our Registered Nurse Response Network put out a call. The response was overwhelming. In little more than one week, nearly 3,000 RNs from all 50 states and even 19 countries had signed up to volunteer to provide hands-on disaster relief to those in the path of the super storm.

By RoseAnn DeMoro, NNU Executive Director

What’s Missing in Our Profit-Driven Healthcare System? Quality Human Care

Noticed how little in the healthcare debate we hear one word that should be at its center – care? Nurses have noticed, and are alarmed at worrisome changes now putting patients at risk. A new video from National Nurses United starring the decidedly non-personal “FRANK” is a humorous or not so humorous glimpse into one of the most troubling mutations.

National Nurses United - Jean Ross